Robert Sapolsky
Robert Sapolsky

Literal cleanliness and orderliness can release us from abstract cognitive and affective distress - just consider how, during moments where life seems to be spiraling out of control, it can be calming to organize your clothes, clean the living room, get the car washed.

Robert Sapolsky
Robert Sapolsky

Genes are not about inevitabilities; they're about potentials and vulnerabilities.

Robert Sapolsky
Robert Sapolsky

An open mind is prerequisite to an open heart.

Robert Sapolsky
Robert Sapolsky

We have this amazing ability to turn on the exactly same stress response worrying about a mortgage that a zebra does when it's sprinting away from a lion.

Robert Sapolsky
Robert Sapolsky

From spending my decades thinking about behavior and the biological influences on it, I'm convinced by now free will is what we call the biology that hasn't been discovered yet. It's just another way of stating that we're biological organisms determined by the physical laws of the universe.

Robert Sapolsky
Robert Sapolsky

For me, the single most important question is how to construct a society that is just, safe, peaceful - all those good things - when people finally accept that there is no free will.

Robert Sapolsky
Robert Sapolsky

If you spend enough time around something like baboons, you start to look at humans differently.

Robert Sapolsky
Robert Sapolsky

If you turn on the stress response chronically for purely psychological reasons, you increase your risk of adult-onset diabetes and high blood pressure.

Robert Sapolsky
Robert Sapolsky

Is stress always bad? No - if a stressor isn't too extreme, is only transient, and occurs in what overall feels like a benevolent environment, it's great, we love it - that's what play and stimulation are.

Robert Sapolsky
Robert Sapolsky

I used to be a very serious pianist, and I was one of the snot-nosed classical ones who was appalled by nightmares of Ethel Merman and trombones blasting in the background and who knows what else.

Robert Sapolsky
Robert Sapolsky

But I like schlocky violent movies, but I'm for strict gun control. But then there was a time I was at a laser tag place, and I had such a good time hiding in a corner shooting at people. In other words, I'm your basic confused human when it comes to violence.

Robert Sapolsky
Robert Sapolsky

It's insanely difficult for people to accept the extent to which we are biological organisms without agency.

Robert Sapolsky
Robert Sapolsky

When humans invented material inequality, they came up with a way of subjugating the low-ranking like nothing ever seen before in the primate world.

Robert Sapolsky
Robert Sapolsky

That's what stress management is about, that's what psychotherapy is about, finding religion, or finding your loved one or your hobby - any of those, they give you more outlets, more of a sense of control, more of a sense of predictability, of social support. They give you the means to psychologically finesse ambiguous outside reality.

Robert Sapolsky
Robert Sapolsky

We do our worst when we're surrounded by a lot of people who agree with us.

Robert Sapolsky
Robert Sapolsky

Primates are super smart and organized just enough to devote their free time to being miserable to each other and stressing each other out.

Robert Sapolsky
Robert Sapolsky

Do I get grief for the fact that in communicating, say, about the baboons I'm doing so much anthropomorphizing? One hopes that the parts that are blatantly ridiculous will be perceived as such. I've nonetheless been stunned by some of my more humorless colleagues - to see that they were not capable of recognizing that.

Robert Sapolsky
Robert Sapolsky

In terms of the most unique thing we do socially, my vote goes to something we invented alongside cities - we have lots of anonymous interactions and interactions with strangers. That has shaped us enormously.

Robert Sapolsky
Robert Sapolsky

I expected social rank to be the determining factor in health, and in some ways that's true. But far more important is what sort of society that rank occurs in. Being low ranking in a benevolent troop is a hell of a lot better for your blood pressure than being low ranking in an aggressive troop.

Robert Sapolsky
Robert Sapolsky

Go get yourself stressed all the time and the common cold becomes more common.