Robert Duvall
Robert Duvall

You know, Hollywood sometimes tends to patronize the interior of the United States. As Horton Foote used to say, the great Texas playwright, that a lot of people from New York don't know what goes on beyond the South Jersey Shore.

Robert Duvall
Robert Duvall

Well, I had a wonderful career.

Robert Duvall
Robert Duvall

Some Russian ballet master woman said there's no culture in America, but if you look you can find interesting stuff in this country, don't you think?

Robert Duvall
Robert Duvall

When I'm at home in Virginia, I become more hermit-like. I like my own home.

Robert Duvall
Robert Duvall

The most solitary I ever felt was when I was living in New York. I used to live in Enrico Caruso's old apartment, and I had a special staircase that took me up to the roof. There was nobody up there.

Robert Duvall
Robert Duvall

But for me, the challenge is how you turn a character into behavior. Once the director says 'action', you just try to live between those two worlds.

Robert Duvall
Robert Duvall

I love working in Texas anywhere.

Robert Duvall
Robert Duvall

I am getting some good offers still. Some nice things are coming my way just as they always have, so unless I lose my inspiration or there is too much drool to wipe, I will keep going.

Robert Duvall
Robert Duvall

Sometimes directors will hire you and say, 'Oh, we love your work.' And then they start to tell you how to do it. I say, 'Hey, man, back off. You hired me to do it. Let me do it.'

Robert Duvall
Robert Duvall

I'm getting good offers, as good as ever sometimes. I just finished a thing with Billy Bob Thornton that was the most unique part I've ever played in my life, in the most unique project.

Robert Duvall
Robert Duvall

I was fortunate in the last century to be in the two biggest hits film-wise, 'Godfather I' and 'Godfather II,' and 'Lonesome Dove.'

Robert Duvall
Robert Duvall

One thing I like about Argentina, they only cook with salt; that's it.

Robert Duvall
Robert Duvall

Seeing your name on the list for KP or guard duty when you're in the Army is like reading a bad review.

Robert Duvall
Robert Duvall

A young actor once asked me, What do you do between jobs? I said, Hobbies, hobbies, and more hobbies.

Robert Duvall
Robert Duvall

Art is competitive.

Robert Duvall
Robert Duvall

I can't live without a woman. I have to have a woman, have to have a wife.

Robert Duvall
Robert Duvall

I had a wonderful career.

Robert Duvall
Robert Duvall

Hollywood's a mecca, but it's not the final answer. You pick up a camera anyplace in the world, you can make a movie.