Robert Duvall
Robert Duvall

I don't have many people showing up at my door. Very few people come out. When they do, I get a little suspicious. I live way up on a hill, way, way back in the country.

Robert Duvall
Robert Duvall

I always thought of myself as a later bloomer, so I like some of my work more later than earlier.

Robert Duvall
Robert Duvall

Hollywood is still the mecca for good or bad, but it isn't the beginning or end for filmmaking.

Robert Duvall
Robert Duvall

High Noon is a pretty corny movie.

Robert Duvall
Robert Duvall

God does guide the lives of individuals and does fill them with the Holy Ghost.

Robert Duvall
Robert Duvall

Around my own friends, I like to mess around.

Robert Duvall
Robert Duvall

I'm better than Olivier.

Robert Duvall
Robert Duvall

Too many people think that economics is this subject that should wait until the university level. But it can't wait that long.

Robert Duvall
Robert Duvall

Everybody likes to win.

Robert Duvall
Robert Duvall

I always considered myself as a character actor. I always try to be versatile to show different sides of human experience.

Robert Duvall
Robert Duvall

I try not to look for messages in films.

Robert Duvall
Robert Duvall

I like the good feeling movies.

Robert Duvall
Robert Duvall

I've always liked country music. It's a certain aspect of America that goes back to the British Isles and the influence is very native to America.

Robert Duvall
Robert Duvall

What drives me is I love my profession. I love to do it.

Robert Duvall
Robert Duvall

I love going to black churches, and I love some of these black preachers. The best preacher I ever saw in my life was a 93-year-old in a black church in Hamilton, Virginia. What a preacher!

Robert Duvall
Robert Duvall

Well, I can't live without a woman. I have to have a woman, have to have a wife.

Robert Duvall
Robert Duvall

I hope I left behind a legacy that people will enjoy. But whatever they want to say, I can't predict.

Robert Duvall
Robert Duvall

I always figure from the cradle to the grave, we all have our individual journeys, and maybe my journey was a positive one and I accomplished certain things without stepping on too many toes.

Robert Duvall
Robert Duvall

It's like kids playing house: 'You play the father, I'll play the mother.' You know, you dress up, you play, they pay, you go home. It's a game - acting's a game.

Robert Duvall
Robert Duvall

I can always grow a little bit, and try to do something different. So I'm always looking for what's out there - the potential.