Adolfo Cambiaso
Adolfo Cambiaso

You can decide at 17 that you want to be a professional player. In Argentina, they start very young. They go to school in the morning and then do polo in the afternoon.

Adolfo Cambiaso
Adolfo Cambiaso

In Argentina, you do what your father does. If your father plays football, you play football. If your father plays polo, you play polo.

Adolfo Cambiaso
Adolfo Cambiaso

Here in Argentina, it is easy to practice and play because we have the horses, the land, the players - everything.

Alan Hansen
Alan Hansen

Potentially he could be. He scored the goal four years ago in France against Argentina that was extraordinary.

Alberto Fernandez
Alberto Fernandez

There's no possibility that Argentina will fall into default if I'm president.

Alberto Fernandez
Alberto Fernandez

We are going to be the Argentina we deserve to be.

Alberto Fernandez
Alberto Fernandez

Mr. Macri's government caused damage similar to what Argentina suffered in 2001: a debt default, no foreign-currency reserves, a steep devaluation and increased poverty.

Alberto Fernandez
Alberto Fernandez

Argentina is in a virtual, hidden default.

Alberto Fernandez
Alberto Fernandez

I will do everything necessary to ensure we can export because that way Argentina will produce dollars.

Alberto Fernandez
Alberto Fernandez

Macri only wooed hot money, carry traders and speculators. He is the only responsible person for the hardship Argentina is going through.