Rachel McAdams
Rachel McAdams

I don't really desire things. I prefer to spend my money on experiences, on meals or travel.

Rachel McAdams
Rachel McAdams

You have to be really open to your acting partners and believe in the story.

Rachel McAdams
Rachel McAdams

I had a small-town life - I worked at the local McDonald's for three years. I'm not sure why they kept me: I am something of a daydreamer and a dawdler, so they would only let me be the 'friendly voice' that greeted you when you entered the restaurant.

Rachel McAdams
Rachel McAdams

I look at the world through a green lens now, but you can't make yourself crazy. That feeling of green guilt can be really inhibiting. It's about a changing mind-set, remembering to turn off the water when you are brushing your teeth.

Rachel McAdams
Rachel McAdams

I sort of always had an inkling towards some kind of an art form. I grew up in a very small town, and I just figure-skated. My dad played hockey and I was surrounded by sports, but it wasn't quite doing it for me. I wasn't totally fulfilled, and I did a lot of skating.

Rachel McAdams
Rachel McAdams

I confess I am a romantic. I love romance, and I think it's really fun and delicious and some of my favorite films are love stories. I think that you just get a chance to fall in love with the characters so much and you get to explore their lives so deeply.

Rachel McAdams
Rachel McAdams

It's funny the things the Internet likes to proclaim.

Rachel McAdams
Rachel McAdams

I was just finishing up 'Spotlight' in Toronto - I finished it on a Tuesday and started 'True Detective' on a Friday. So I was missing rehearsals, unfortunately, which I hate and why I never like to work back-to-back.

Rachel McAdams
Rachel McAdams

My parents opened a bank account for me when I was really little, and I think I paid for some of my university education with my savings. I've always been a bit of a saver.

Rachel McAdams
Rachel McAdams

The craziest thing I've ever done to get a guy's attention? I admit I stalked someone. I showed up at a restaurant where I knew the guy worked, and we were actually good friends and had lost touch, and I pretended that I didn't know he worked there.

Rachel McAdams
Rachel McAdams

I do have a side of me that would just love to be stuck in the woods and have to stick it out and be really resourceful.

Rachel McAdams
Rachel McAdams

What I love is dropping into someone else's life and exploring it.

Rachel McAdams
Rachel McAdams

I'm a hopeless romantic and I believe that you can find love in many different places and be very conflicted. I've discovered as I've grown up that life is far more complicated than you think it is when you're a kid. It isn't just a straightforward fairytale.

Rachel McAdams
Rachel McAdams

I definitely was in the sequined, bedazzled era. We would put blue eye shadow up our eyebrows and glitter all over our faces. I probably put more effort into my skating outfits than my clothes.

Rachel McAdams
Rachel McAdams

I always wish I could go back and see the people that I love as children.

Rachel McAdams
Rachel McAdams

I think there's something really powerful and refreshing about a woman who is unapologetic.

Rachel McAdams
Rachel McAdams

I've really gotten to play a lot of different things, starting with 'Southpaw.' For 'Spotlight,' I got to play this amazing journalist, Sacha Pfeiffer, who worked at the 'Boston Globe' when they broke the story about the sex scandal in the Catholic Church.

Rachel McAdams
Rachel McAdams

I watched a lot of soap operas like 'General Hospital' and 'Days Of Our Lives.' When it came to movies, my parents were quite strict. They would watch 'Flash Dance' but wouldn't let us see the whole film because Jennifer Beals' character was a stripper. It was so funny when I finally saw the whole film. I thought she was a ballerina!

Rachel McAdams
Rachel McAdams

I've discovered as I've grown up that life is far more complicated than you think it is when you're a kid. It isn't just a straightforward fairytale.

Rachel McAdams
Rachel McAdams

I don't know, I like to go on really different types of dates. Going someplace new or some new part of the city, something that's not your average thing. Something where you just go have an adventure together.