Paul Singer
Paul Singer

The Orderly Liquidation Authority prescribed by Dodd-Frank should be repealed and replaced by an amendment to the U.S. Bankruptcy Code which would operate to prevent cross-default provisions from impacting derivatives books so long as mark-to-market payments are being made in a timely fashion.

Paul Singer
Paul Singer

Governments need to be authorized to provide 'open bank assistance.' The convolutions of Dodd-Frank aimed at 'avoiding' this tactic are ludicrous and will prove to be extremely costly to the system.

Paul Singer
Paul Singer

Credit ratings and risk weightings must undergo a thorough process of review and revision. No security or instrument on the planet should have a zero risk weighting.

Paul Singer
Paul Singer

Derivatives trading should be standardized and as much as possible moved to clearinghouses.

Paul Singer
Paul Singer

The starting point of my career in money management in 1973-74 was the time of the only true bear market any living non-Japanese investor has seen in major markets. Equities, real estate, you name it, everyone got run over.

Paul Singer
Paul Singer

You have got to welcome and embrace complexity.

Paul Singer
Paul Singer

I know people who are always freeriders and will never get into a fight.

Paul Singer
Paul Singer

The Congo is very wealthy from oil money but is not paying its debts and at the same time is applying for special status at the World Bank. That's shocking and disingenuous.

Paul Singer
Paul Singer

There is no more reason to believe that Bitcoin will stand the test of time than that governments will protect the value of government-created money, although Bitcoin is newer, and we always look at babies with hope.

Paul Singer
Paul Singer

Stability is not the way of the world.

Paul Singer
Paul Singer

America is a place where the freedom to be who you are shouldn't be a barrier to your ability to get a job and provide for your family.

Paul Singer
Paul Singer

Successful hedge funds will be entrepreneurial; it is the essence of the craft.

Paul Singer
Paul Singer

There is no safe haven in today's markets.

Paul Singer
Paul Singer

I'm rarely optimistic.

Paul Singer
Paul Singer

My concern as a citizen and as a money manager is, Oh my God, at what point does a 'whoa' moment happen to these people who own $30 trillion fixed income instruments?

Paul Singer
Paul Singer

So many people, including stark conservatives, have family members and close friends who are gay.

Paul Singer
Paul Singer

It is impossible to understand the financial health of big financial institutions and their potential impact on the market. They don't even understand it themselves.

Paul Singer
Paul Singer

There's a feeling among some people that the Republican party is harsh on some things.

Paul Singer
Paul Singer

Capital is kind of a banking concept.

Paul Singer
Paul Singer

Margin is a customer concept.