Paul Dano
Paul Dano

I've definitely been in ruts, and I think having some kind of perseverance is important.

Paul Dano
Paul Dano

When I'm not acting, I like to go home and be really normal. So I usually grow out my hair until I get the next part.

Paul Dano
Paul Dano

There are maybe 100 actors I look up to, but my first two favourite actors were Dustin Hoffman and Jack Nicholson.

Paul Dano
Paul Dano

Let's say honorary favorite New Yorker is John Lennon, and favorite real New Yorker is Biggie, because he's the best.

Paul Dano
Paul Dano

I think control is a two-way street; sometimes people want to control things to keep them safe if they are afraid of life.

Paul Dano
Paul Dano

I've been fortunate to work with several actors and directors who I look up to, and learned from each of them.

Paul Dano
Paul Dano

As people, no matter what we are doing, your whole body is living and breathing.

Paul Dano
Paul Dano

I mean, to feel in good hands as an actor... it's the best feeling.

Paul Dano
Paul Dano

I went to private school in Manhattan, and at a young age, they made us do public speaking. For some reason, I was good at standing in front of the class and speaking.

Paul Dano
Paul Dano

I feel like I have to be responsible for what I'm participating in or putting out into the world.

Paul Dano
Paul Dano

I do like the idea of consequence and how our actions play themselves out, but I am completely scared of knowing what the future would be like. I would never go near a fortune teller, even though it's probably not even real. I just don't wanna know.

Paul Dano
Paul Dano

I like movies a lot, and I feel really excited when I see a movie that moves me the right way.

Paul Dano
Paul Dano

I think the idea is to try and understand everything about the characters and where the character is coming from, from their point of view, why they say what they do. And not, 'Oh, but I would never say that. Why does the character say that?' But then making it as personal as possible.

Paul Dano
Paul Dano

The idea of writer's block or not having inspiration is totally terrifying to me.

Paul Dano
Paul Dano

I don't like tight pants on guys.

Paul Dano
Paul Dano

I don't really know what kind of actor I am.

Paul Dano
Paul Dano

To be called a genius at 17 or 18 years old can sometimes cause arrested development.

Paul Dano
Paul Dano

I think 'American Pie' is great.

Paul Dano
Paul Dano

I volunteered at a homeless shelter in preparation for 'Being Flynn,' and when I'm walking along the Bowery, that's the first thing that comes to mind. That's a nice memory.

Paul Dano
Paul Dano

Have I seen any plays that I've been in? Uh, you know, might be a little weird.