Orson Bean
Orson Bean

I think people are afraid to be original.

Orson Bean
Orson Bean

The nineteen fifties was a time of tumultuous change.

Orson Bean
Orson Bean

One of the things I'm proudest of, one year on my refrigerator, I taped a Christmas card from the Republican National Committee and season's greetings from Gus Hall of the American Communist Party. They both stayed up their months and I'm proud of it.

Orson Bean
Orson Bean

You know when I was a kid, I hated every day I was in school, from the kindergarten right through to my last day of high school.

Orson Bean
Orson Bean

I never thought that I couldn't do what I set out to do. It wasn't from arrogance; it was from ignorance.

Orson Bean
Orson Bean

I think it was a miracle that Trump got elected.

Orson Bean
Orson Bean

I don't expect to be another Walt Disney, but I do get a terrific bang out of being able to say things with pictures. Maybe that means something deep and profound about me - but I doubt it.

Orson Bean
Orson Bean

I knew people who were real Communists but never made it onto the blacklist and kept on working. There were also people reputed to be Communists who weren't.

Orson Bean
Orson Bean

Back in the fifties I was the hot, young comic on CBS and a regular on 'The Ed Sullivan Show.' I was also starring in shows on Broadway and acting in dramatic programs on television. Those were the glory days of television. It was like theater. It was live. If an actor forgot a line, he improvised. There was an immediacy to it.

Orson Bean
Orson Bean

The reason I became a Christian is the same reason I became a conservative: I paid attention.

Orson Bean
Orson Bean

Even I get fan mail.

Orson Bean
Orson Bean

Miracles aren't necessarily good for everyone. The parting of the Red Sea, great for the Jews, not so hot for the Egyptian soldiers.

Orson Bean
Orson Bean

I always identified with Frankenstein because as a kid, I never got the girl.

Orson Bean
Orson Bean

I don't think that the theater should necessarily pay.

Orson Bean
Orson Bean

I love Spike Jonze. He's brilliant.

Orson Bean
Orson Bean

I didn't use a voice change to do Bilbo. I have a distinctive voice anyway. I did an attitude change, making Bilbo kind of fussy - fussy and proper - then gradually dropped the fussiness and properness as the madness of battle really affects him.

Orson Bean
Orson Bean

Men are attracted to youth and beauty; women are attracted to power.

Orson Bean
Orson Bean

I'm greedy for experience. I keep finding new things.

Orson Bean
Orson Bean

I was living in a four-story Manhattan townhouse with three full-time servants and silver to be polished, and I was doing too much. My kids were growing up without me, and suddenly I thought, 'I want some other stuff.' So I stopped working instead of cutting back, and went to Australia instead of Vermont.

Orson Bean
Orson Bean

In the long period of time when I did talk shows and game shows, a whole new generation of people came along who thought of me as that, and not as a theater person.