Nina Garcia
Nina Garcia

Serving jury duty is a fascinating little slice of life, with its motley crew of personalities.

Nina Garcia
Nina Garcia

One of the most magical places on Earth is a small island in the Caribbean called Mustique. With brilliant beaches, warm water, and lush vegetation, this tiny green swath of land is my idea of paradise.

Nina Garcia
Nina Garcia

My style is about making things last forever. When you're on a budget, it can be daunting to spend $300 on a pair of boots or a coat. But such basics are the building blocks from which your look is crafted.

Nina Garcia
Nina Garcia

My nightmare of nightmares is being overdressed for a casual event - I've done it! You have to have a real sense of what you want to communicate.

Nina Garcia
Nina Garcia

Here's the thing: I love what I do for the magazine, and I love what I do on television. When you do the things that you love, it's not bad. It's about being very organized.

Nina Garcia
Nina Garcia

I'm a real believer in dressing tone-on-tone. I'm not saying you need to dress black. Dress just one color so the colors are not breaking your silhouette.

Nina Garcia
Nina Garcia

Nothing is more alluring to a man than a woman who looks good in her jeans.

Nina Garcia
Nina Garcia

I firmly believe that 90 percent of the confusion that women feel when they are attempting to put together an occasion-specific ensemble is caused by fear: fear of breaking the 'fashion rules,' fear of violating some long-forgotten tradition, or the basic fear of looking bad.

Nina Garcia
Nina Garcia

I'll admit it, the grunge trend doesn't really speak to me. I get why other people like it, but it's just not my style. Don't get me wrong, I love layering, but I like it when it is done with a little more polish and sophistication.

Nina Garcia
Nina Garcia

My aspiration was always to be a fashion editor.

Nina Garcia
Nina Garcia

I'm a big believer that accessories can make or break a look.

Nina Garcia
Nina Garcia

Many of my friends and colleagues are in the public eye, so they have to pay close attention to what they wear. But every woman needs to stay on her toes in this era of cell-phone cameras and Facebook.

Nina Garcia
Nina Garcia

Invest in a couple of really good things - a great, classic coat; a good pair of shoes; and a timeless bag - then fill in the gaps with lower-priced pieces.

Nina Garcia
Nina Garcia

Your wardrobe should complement your skill set, never detract - or distract - from your assets.

Nina Garcia
Nina Garcia

I love 'Project Runway' because I can really be of help to an industry and I can be supportive to designers.

Nina Garcia
Nina Garcia

I was born in Barranquilla, Colombia, and I came to attend high school in Massachusetts when I was about 15 years old.

Nina Garcia
Nina Garcia

For so many years fashion was shrouded in mystery, this glamorous profession that people knew very little about, they thought it was so glamorous. It now has become so available, with the Internet, with shops like H&M and Target that do designer collaborations, so it's more available to everyone and that's created more interest.

Nina Garcia
Nina Garcia

I'm really looking to reach any woman who's interested in refining and embracing her personal style.

Nina Garcia
Nina Garcia

I don't ride the subway. Either I walk, or I take a New York City taxi.

Nina Garcia
Nina Garcia

The fashion editor as it used to be has changed. Now you have to wear many hats, and whoever tells you differently is wrong. Now you're on TV, whether you want it or not.