Najib Razak
Najib Razak

Don't gamble the future of your children and Malaysia; think and contemplate because your vote will determine not only the future of the country but also your grandchildren.

Najib Razak
Najib Razak

If you say something that undermines the stability of the country, then you have to be held accountable.

Najib Razak
Najib Razak

There's good economic progress in Malaysia. People have a lot to look forward to.

Najib Razak
Najib Razak

Over the past months and years, divisions have opened up in Malaysian society. Now it is time for all of us, in government and beyond, to put the bitterness behind us.

Najib Razak
Najib Razak

After choosing monetary union, further political union and workable governance in Europe was always going to be necessary.

Najib Razak
Najib Razak

The stabilising power of economic union was one of the reasons the E.U. was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.

Najib Razak
Najib Razak

The Arab awakening was driven by youth, organized by technology, and fired by a hunger for political change.

Najib Razak
Najib Razak

As a leader of a majority-Muslim nation, I believe Islamic countries must better understand what young people aspire to.

Najib Razak
Najib Razak

More than 13,000 Malaysians travel to the U.K. to study in British universities every year.

Najib Razak
Najib Razak

As the leader of Southeast Asia's oldest democracy, I am always keen to share our experiences. In the half-century since independence, we have found that steady reform is the best way to secure lasting stability. It is a process that continues in Malaysia to this day.

Najib Razak
Najib Razak

Homosexuality is acceptable in the West.

Najib Razak
Najib Razak

In any society, there will be the whole spectrum of views. You will get the extremists on the far right and also the far left.

Najib Razak
Najib Razak

The vast majority of Malaysians are sensible people; they're moderates, they want peace, they want harmonious race relations at home. They look for national unity.