Minority Report
Minority Report

John Anderton: [to Agatha] Everyday for the last six years I've thought of only two things. The first is what Sean would look like if he were alive today, if I would recognize him if I saw him on the street, the second is what I would do to the man who took him if I ever found him. You're right... I'm not being set up.
Agatha: You have to take me home.

John Anderton: No. You said so yourself. There is no minority report, I don't have an alternate future. I am going to kill this man.

Minority Report
Minority Report

Danny Witwer: Lamar thinks you left John because he lost himself in Precrime instead of you.
Lara Anderton: [glares at him] I left him, because everytime I looked at him, I saw my son. Everytime time I got close to him, I smelled my little boy. That's why I left him. And now you can leave.

Minority Report
Minority Report

John Anderton: [his face inches from Agatha's] Where's my Minority Report?
John Anderton: DO I EVEN HAVE ONE?
[moment's silence]
John Anderton: [softly] Do I have one?
Agatha: [whispers] No.

Minority Report
Minority Report

Lara Anderton: How do you take your coffee?
Danny Witwer: Cream and sugar.
Lara Anderton: I don't have any cream, sorry.
Danny Witwer: Just sugar, then. You and John ever come here?
Lara Anderton: [begins to walk away towards the kitchen] We used to.

Witwer: He's not here now is he?
Lara Anderton: [stops in the doorway and looks at him]
Danny Witwer: I had to ask.
Lara Anderton: [walks back to Danny and hands back his cup] I don't have any sugar, either.

Minority Report
Minority Report

John Anderton: That's all, huh? Just walk right into Precrime, go in the Temple, somehow tap into these Precogs, and then download this Minority Report.
Dr. Iris Hineman: If you have one.
John Anderton: And then walk out.
Dr. Iris Hineman: Actually, I think you'll have to run out, but yes, that is what you

have to do.

Minority Report
Minority Report

John Anderton: Mr. Marks, by mandate of the District of Columbia Precrime Division, I'm placing you under arrest for the future murder of Sarah Marks and Donald Dubin that was to take place today, April 22 at 0800 hours and four minutes.

Minority Report
Minority Report

Agatha: [to John Anderton] You still have a choice.

Minority Report
Minority Report

Dr. Iris Hineman: The Precogs are never wrong. But, occasionally... they do disagree.

Minority Report
Minority Report

Danny Witwer: Looks like we won't be working together after all, John. Now put the gun down. I don't hear a red ball.
[Sirens begin going off, the same sirens that usually indicate a red ball- Witwer's smile drops]

Minority Report
Minority Report

Rufus Riley: [to Agatha] Are you reading my mind right now?
John Anderton: Get up.
Rufus Riley: [to Agatha] I'm sorry for whatever I'm going to do and I swear I didn't do any of that stuff I did.

Minority Report
Minority Report

John Anderton: [a dream sequence, Anderton is at the pool with his son as his son is coming up while holding his breath underwater] 25.26 seconds. That's a new record.
Younger Sean: Is it a world record.
John Anderton: Is it a world? It's your personal best.
Younger Sean: Let's try you.

Anderton: What? Are you kidding me? There is no way that I can beat 25.26 seconds.
Younger Sean: How long can a whale hold it's breath underwater?
John Anderton: A whale can hold it's breath for about 20 minutes.
Younger Sean: You gotta beat the whale.
John Anderton: [his son gets out of the

water as he is getting in] Here we go Sean. It could take 20 minutes, are you sure you don't want to get some ice cream or something?
Younger Sean: No. Ready dad?
John Anderton: Ready.
[kisses Sean as he goes underwater, as he is underwater, the watch suddenly drops into the water, then he comes back up]
John Anderton:

Sean? Sean? Sean?
[looking around]
John Anderton: Have you seen my son, have you seen a kid in a red bathing suit? Sean? Have you seen my son, he was wearing a red bathing suit? Sean?
[wakes up screaming]
John Anderton: SEEEAAANNN!

Minority Report
Minority Report

Danny Witwer: [Using Anderton's projector and puts a clear recorded device into it] This is a murder of a woman named Anne Livley.
Lamar Burgess: You got this from containment?
Danny Witwer: Yes. This is from the twins, Arthur and Dashiell. Agatha's datastream is missing.
[Takes out the clear device and gets out another clear

device from his suit pocket]
Danny Witwer: This is from the Cyber Parlor.
[Puts that clear device into Anderton's projector]
Danny Witwer: Anderton dowloaded this directly from Agatha, and Rufus Riley recorded it.
Lamar Burgess: It's the same prevision.
Danny Witwer: Not quite.
[Gets up

and goes to the video on the wall]
Danny Witwer: Watch the wave action across the water. Watch the ripples. Moving
[Moves his pinky]
Danny Witwer: *away* from shore.
[Goes over to the projector and changes recorded devices]
Danny Witwer: This is from containment what Art and Dash saw.
[Goes back to the

Danny Witwer: The wind has changed. The ripples are moving the other way.
[Moves his pinky to the direction of the ripples]
Danny Witwer: This murder is taking place at 2 different times. The sentry has said that Anderton was actually watching this in containment right before he was tagged.
Lamar Burgess: Yes,

yes. He came to me and told me about the missing prevision. He was afraid that you might find it.
Danny Witwer: He was right. I *did* find it. But one question remains: Why would somebody want this erased from the data file?
Lamar Burgess: Danny. Tell me. What are you thinking?
Danny Witwer: I'm thinking somebody got away with

Lamar Burgess: I don't understand.
Danny Witwer: Well, Jad told me that sometimes the Pre-Cogs see the same murder more than once.
Lamar Burgess: It's called an "echo".
Danny Witwer: Jad calls it "Pre-Cog Deja Vu".
Lamar Burgess: Yes. The Pre-Cog technician finds these

echoes and disregard them.
Danny Witwer: [laughs slightly] Yes, but um... what if the technician only *thought* that he was looking at an echo? What if he was really looking at was a completely different murder altogether?
Lamar Burgess: Uh, I don't understand.
Danny Witwer: All you have to do is hire someone to kill Anne

Livley for you, someone like a drifter, a neuroin addict, somebody with nothing to lose. Pre-Crime stops the murder from taking place, Halos the killer, takes him away but then, right then someone else that has viewed the pre-vision. Dresses in the same clothes, commits the murder in *exactly* the same way. Technician takes a look, *thinks* he's looking at an echo, erases it.
[Brief pause]

Danny Witwer: Of course, this would have to be somebody with access to the previsions in the first place. Someone *fairly* high-up...
Lamar Burgess: [Shushes Witwer] You know what I hear Danny? Nothing. No footsteps up the stairs, no jet out of the window, no clickeyty-click of the little spiders. Do you know why I can't hear those things Danny?

Because right now, the Pre-Cogs can't see a thing.
[Shoots Danny in the chest as he slowley crumples to the floor, Burgess than comes over to Danny and shoots him in the head]

Minority Report
Minority Report

Agatha: Can you see?

Minority Report
Minority Report

John Anderton: I'm not being set up. I really am going to kill this man.

Minority Report
Minority Report

Lamar Burgess: My father once told me, "We don't choose the things we believe in; they choose us."

Minority Report
Minority Report

John Anderton: Why should I trust you?
Dr. Iris Hineman: You shouldn't. You shouldn't trust anyone. Certainly not the Attorney General who just wants it all for himself, and not the young Federal agent, who wants your job. Not even the old man who just wants to hold on to what he created. Don't trust anyone. Just find the Minority Report.

Minority Report
Minority Report

John Anderton: [as he was about to murder Crow just as the Pre-Cogs have seen, he holds Crow at gunpoint] You have the right to remain slient. Anything you do and say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have a right to an attorney. If you can't afford an attorney, we will appoint one. Do you understand these rights?
Leo Crow: You're not

gonna kill me?
John Anderton: Do you understand these... rights?
Leo Crow: Listen, if you don't go through with this my family gets nothing, okay? You're supposed to kill me. Just like he said he would.
John Anderton: [Looking puzzled] He? Who's he?
Leo Crow: I don't know. He called in my cell, and he

said I would be released and if I went along and my family will be taken care of.
John Anderton: If you did what? If you did what?
Leo Crow: If I acted like I killed your kid. If you don't kill me my family gets nothing.
John Anderton: Leo, tell me. Who was it that sets this up?
Leo Crow: I don't know.

[Anderton walks towards Crow slowly]
Leo Crow: Come on!
John Anderton: Tell me, who was it that set this up?
Leo Crow: I haven't seen his face. If I tell you who it is, my family gets nothing
[Grabs Anderton's armed hand]
Leo Crow: Kill me, kill me, kill me.

Anderton: [Along with Crow] Let go, let go. Leo, let go of the gun, Leo let go of the gun. It's okay, it's okay, let go of the gun
[Crow slowley lets go of Anderton's armed hand]
John Anderton: You're not gonna kill me?
John Anderton: Good bye, Crow.
[Begins to walk away]
Leo Crow: Anderton, wait!

[Grabs Anderton's armed hand and causes Anderton to pull the trigger and the murder takes place]

Minority Report
Minority Report

John Anderton: He set me up. He set me up.

Minority Report
Minority Report

[giving Anderton the antidote for a plant that has poisoned him]
Dr. Iris Hineman: You'd better drink this. Soon you won't be able to swallow, and then you'll be totally buggered.

Minority Report
Minority Report

Wally the Caretaker: You're not allowed in here - who are you? Do I know you?
John Anderton: [in disguise, grabs Wally by the collar] Listen, Wally - I like you. So, I don't wanna have to kick you or hit you with anything hard, but only if you promise to help me.
Wally the Caretaker: ...Oh, hi, John.