Euvin Naidoo
Euvin Naidoo

Africa is the second-largest continent, a landmass second from Asia. It also is the second most populated continent, with 900 million people. In fact - coming back to the land mass - Africa is so big that you could fit in the continental United States, China, and the entire Europe into Africa and still have space.

Euvin Naidoo
Euvin Naidoo

As an investment banker, I'm in the cross-flow of information and the changes that are taking place in capital markets.

Euvin Naidoo
Euvin Naidoo

You can make money, you can lose money in Africa. But opportunities, boy oh boy, they exist.

Euvin Naidoo
Euvin Naidoo

Global capital is agnostic - it has no loyalties. There's an overhang of capital in the U.S., and the key is yield pickup. What Africa is providing is a diversification play and also opportunities for yield pickup for the investor that's aware of what he or she is doing.