Minority Report
Minority Report

Agatha: Murder.

Minority Report
Minority Report

Dr. Iris Hineman: I call it a gift, for them it was more like a big cosmic joke.

Minority Report
Minority Report

[while he's kicking Leo on the floor]
John Anderton: Is he alive? He's alive. Where've you got him? Is he all right?
John Anderton: Tell me, you fuck, where is he?

Minority Report
Minority Report

Agatha: I'm sorry, John, but you're going to have to run again.

Minority Report
Minority Report

Leo Crow: You're not going to kill me.
John Anderton: Goodbye, Crow.

Minority Report
Minority Report

John Anderton: Don't you ever say his name.

Minority Report
Minority Report

John Anderton: You set your patients on fire.
Dr. Solomon: I put 'em out.

Minority Report
Minority Report

[Lara enters the containment ward and puts a gun to Gideon's head]
Lara Anderton: I'd like a word with my husband.
Gideon: You're not authorized. How did you get in here?
[She shows him one of John's original, removed eyeballs]

Minority Report
Minority Report

Director Burgess: Who's the victim?
John Anderton: Somebody.
Director Burgess: Who?
John Anderton: [trying to remember the name] Somebody. Leo Crow.
Director Burgess: Who is he?
John Anderton: I have no idea! I've never heard of him! But I'm supposed to kill him

in less than thirty-six hours.

Minority Report
Minority Report

[Hundreds of contained prisoners rise up around Anderton and Gideon]
John Anderton: My God, I forgot there were so many.
Gideon: And just think, they'd all be out there killing people if it wasn't for you. Look at how peaceful they all are. But on the inside...
[taps his head]
Gideon: busy busy busy.

Minority Report
Minority Report

John Anderton: Any contractions ?
Casey: Only the ones you give me!

Minority Report
Minority Report

Dr. Solomon: For true enlightenment there is nothing like... well, let's just say taking a shower while this large fellow with an attitude you couldn't knock down with a hammer, that keeps whispering in your ear: Oh nancy, Oh nancy. Now that was a lot of fun, thank you so very much John for putting me in there, thank you so very much for giving me an opportunity to get to know

myself much better.

Minority Report
Minority Report

Danny Witwer: [getting into the elevator] You're in a lot of trouble, John.
John Anderton: You set me up.
Danny Witwer: I'll write the paranoia off to the whiff you've been doping on...
[John slams him against the elevator wall and draws his gun, then presses it to Witwer's throat]
John Anderton: Well,

Danny Witwer: Easy. Easy. It seems I found a flaw.
[He pulls from his pocket and holds up the inhalant device]
John Anderton: What are you gonna do?
Danny Witwer: Possession alone will cost you six months, not to mention your badge. I guess we won't be working together after all. Now, put the gun down, John. I

don't hear a red ball.
Danny Witwer: [in a deadly tone] Now, put the gun down, John. I don't hear a red ball.
[Then, the red ball alarm sounds, and Anderton backs out of the elevator and turns to run]

Minority Report
Minority Report

Officer Fletcher: John, don't run.
John Anderton: You don't have to chase me.

Minority Report
Minority Report

John Anderton: There hasn't been a murder in six years. The system, it is perfect.

Minority Report
Minority Report

[Officer Fletcher, on a jet pack, lands in front of Anderton]
John Anderton: Rough landing... have to work on that.
Officer Fletcher: Yeah, it's this shit knee of mine.

Minority Report
Minority Report

Dr. Solomon: [to bandaged John Anderton] Never scratch.

Minority Report
Minority Report

Agatha: You can choose...

Minority Report
Minority Report

[viewing the crime scene of Leo Crow's murder]
Danny Witwer: I worked homicide before federal. This is what we call an orgy of evidence. You know how many orgies I had as a homicide cop?
Officer Fletcher: How many?
Danny Witwer: None.
[crouches down and looks back up]
Danny Witwer: This was all


Minority Report
Minority Report

John Anderton: Why don't you cut the cute act, Danny boy, and tell me what it is you're looking for?
Danny Witwer: Flaws.
John Anderton: There hasn't been a murder in six years. There's nothing wrong with this system it is...
Danny Witwer: Perfect I agree, but there's a flaw. It's human.