Mercedes Schlapp
Mercedes Schlapp

What hurts the GOP is when we have leaders placing the blame on other leaders within the party.

Mercedes Schlapp
Mercedes Schlapp

Republicans need to unite to succeed.

Mercedes Schlapp
Mercedes Schlapp

Republicans can win if they adopt a message and promote policies of conscientious conservatism where they lay out a vision of how to solve our nation's problems, while at the same time push for a message of responsible and efficient government that focuses on accountability and results.

Mercedes Schlapp
Mercedes Schlapp

Republicans need to define and present specific policies on how to eradicate poverty, help every child achieve a quality education, and lower the cost of increasing health premiums.

Mercedes Schlapp
Mercedes Schlapp

Conscientious conservatism includes responding to the needs and struggles of Americans with a responsible and efficient government and incorporating outside organizations that want to invest in the American people.

Mercedes Schlapp
Mercedes Schlapp

One of the most overused phrases in political commentary is that someone is running a 'negative' campaign filled with 'attack' ads.

Mercedes Schlapp
Mercedes Schlapp

Even though voters overwhelmingly dislike negative ads, they do influence voters' opinions about a candidate.

Mercedes Schlapp
Mercedes Schlapp

President Obama should heed the advice of many of his own Democratic colleagues who have called the attacks 'nauseating' and 'unfair' and stay clear of criticizing Romney for his tenure at Bain Capital.

Mercedes Schlapp
Mercedes Schlapp

President Obama's assault on the free-enterprise market and venture capitalists is anti-American and shows his greatest insecurity: his lack of private sector experience and his inability to understand the economy and help businesses thrive in these uncertain economic times.

Mercedes Schlapp
Mercedes Schlapp

The Obama economy has led to more women dependent on government programs including food stamps.

Mercedes Schlapp
Mercedes Schlapp

Women do not want to be dependent on government but want opportunities for all Americans to succeed.

Mercedes Schlapp
Mercedes Schlapp

Obama and the liberal Democrats fail to represent the silent majority: the conservative women who are too busy raising families, paying bills, and making a living. These women prefer to listen to Rush Limbaugh, not Nancy Pelosi, and want their children to have jobs and a bright future in this great country.

Mercedes Schlapp
Mercedes Schlapp

For television worth watching, Trump should debate Karl Rove, and both should be tasked with figuring out how to unite Republicans.

Mercedes Schlapp
Mercedes Schlapp

Installing an activist liberal majority on the Supreme Court will put religious liberties at risk for generations to come.

Mercedes Schlapp
Mercedes Schlapp

Would a President Hillary Clinton and her liberal allies suspend the tax-exempt status of churches deemed 'not friendly' to her administration? It is within the realm of possibility considering their hateful beliefs.

Mercedes Schlapp
Mercedes Schlapp

Catholics and evangelicals should be troubled by Mrs. Clinton's hidden agenda to influence and alter the tenets of Christian and Catholic orthodoxy.

Mercedes Schlapp
Mercedes Schlapp

In public, Hillary Clinton talks about how she would represent all Americans and pushes the 'Stronger Together' campaign theme. But behind closed doors, there is no room for people of faith in her America.

Mercedes Schlapp
Mercedes Schlapp

While the United States is a prime example of fair elections, there is room for improvement, starting with passing voter identification laws across the country.

Mercedes Schlapp
Mercedes Schlapp

Hearing Mr. Trump in person, I finally understood why millions of voters, especially voters who have been ignored and left behind in this economy, connect with him.

Mercedes Schlapp
Mercedes Schlapp

The Clintons engage routinely in corrupt practices, mixing their political power with their nonprofit work to make themselves rich, while not standing up for the little guy.