Mark V. Hurd
Mark V. Hurd

I really don't want the best people at the highest cost.

Mark V. Hurd
Mark V. Hurd

Executives need ample flexibility to respond to the market. That means both reducing costs and increasing innovation.

Mark V. Hurd
Mark V. Hurd

The fact that everything ever works perfectly together, anybody who tells you that is pulling your leg.

Mark V. Hurd
Mark V. Hurd

I'm old, I'm used to crummy service, I'm trained to get crummy service. To me, the fact I can get through to a call centre and then hold for 15 minutes, I don't get that upset. My kids won't. They want to know the answer to their question now. As a company you have to provide an answer to that consumer.

Mark V. Hurd
Mark V. Hurd

To be very blunt, I am not really that concerned with what labels get associated with somebody.

Mark V. Hurd
Mark V. Hurd

When someone gets a job, it better be clear what they did to get it.

Mark V. Hurd
Mark V. Hurd

We need to temper the idea that this company has to have some earthshaking event every 15 minutes.

Mark V. Hurd
Mark V. Hurd

The more I use a matrix, the easier I make it to blame someone else.

Mark V. Hurd
Mark V. Hurd

The more accountable I can make you, the easier it is for you to show you're a great performer.

Mark V. Hurd
Mark V. Hurd

Our job is to execute.

Mark V. Hurd
Mark V. Hurd

My objective with strategy is to be very repetitive, to be somewhat boring, to allow people to coalesce behind a common direction.

Mark V. Hurd
Mark V. Hurd

I have to put people in the right spot so that if they execute, we win.

Mark V. Hurd
Mark V. Hurd

We have, of course, all of our Oracle technologies in our cloud. But I don't think you're going to see customers wanting to deal with 50 clouds or 40 clouds or anything like that.

Mark V. Hurd
Mark V. Hurd

CIOs have to be able to lay out a clear path in concert with the business leader - I used to make the business guy responsible for the apps and force them to answer the question of why they feel they need non-standard apps when they know that's how the costs skyrocket.

Mark V. Hurd
Mark V. Hurd

From a productivity standpoint, you're supposed to reduce headcount on par with declining revenue. If you believe the environment isn't going to improve, you should take a bigger cut to get in front of the problems.

Mark V. Hurd
Mark V. Hurd

My daughter's got a smartphone in her hand with roughly the same power as a mainframe circa 1982, and she's running around Beijing and wants an answer as fast as she can.

Mark V. Hurd
Mark V. Hurd

Most tech companies do one trick and die. If you can do two or three or four, that's where wealth gets created.

Mark V. Hurd
Mark V. Hurd

Like it or not, at HP we are technologists, not executive compensation consultants.

Mark V. Hurd
Mark V. Hurd

I know only a few ways to take market share and drive new revenue. I can engineer better products and services, I can build better relationships with my customers and deliver a higher level of service, or I can give my customers a lower price.

Mark V. Hurd
Mark V. Hurd

Cloud represents the maturation of the IT industry.