Mark McKinnon
Mark McKinnon

Reasonable people can reasonably disagree on policy.

Mark McKinnon
Mark McKinnon

As in nature, politics abhors a vacuum. Without a strong voice for more moderate leadership, the Tea Party is filling that vacuum.

Mark McKinnon
Mark McKinnon

My brother is one of my true heroes. Steady and sober where I am impulsive and emotional.

Mark McKinnon
Mark McKinnon

Hypocrisy is the scarlet letter in politics.

Mark McKinnon
Mark McKinnon

Technology and social media have brought power back to the people.

Mark McKinnon
Mark McKinnon

Presidents should do whatever possible and practical to encourage an environment of cooperation and bipartisanship. And they should maintain a certain level of decorum, diplomacy and decency. But, at the end of the day, presidents get elected to enact change.

Mark McKinnon
Mark McKinnon

I think that the press has a duty and an obligation to report on local government, state government, federal government - to be aggressive, to do its job. And its job is to report on whatever it's covering.

Mark McKinnon
Mark McKinnon

Drone attacks subvert the rule of law - we become judge, jury, and executioner - at the push of a button.

Mark McKinnon
Mark McKinnon

Consumers can choose from hundreds of channels today, including dozens for kids. At a time of dwindling resources, we don't need to be subsidizing PBS. It's time for Big Bird the mooch to compete with 'Dora the Explorer' and 'Bob the Builder.'

Mark McKinnon
Mark McKinnon

Republicans working in leadership and the trenches are largely old, white, male, out-of-touch, out of ideas, technology averse, and living in the past.

Mark McKinnon
Mark McKinnon

Democrats love to criticize Republicans on guns, but they are generally mute when it comes to taking on Hollywood or the gaming industry.

Mark McKinnon
Mark McKinnon

Unfortunately, in American politics there are no standards for shame.

Mark McKinnon
Mark McKinnon

I don't buy the argument that there can't be a successful independent candidacy for the presidency of the United States. People who say, 'It can't happen,' are many of the same people who said we'd never elect an African American.

Mark McKinnon
Mark McKinnon

The No Child Left Behind Act will be one of President Bush's enduring legacies. And it was engineered and inaugurated with a truly bipartisan coalition in Congress. Accountability, standards, and truly measuring student performance just makes sense. The only real debate about the law was and is whether or not it was adequately funded.

Mark McKinnon
Mark McKinnon

There's only one way we're going to change our political climate and ensure we establish some respect in our discourse. And that is to show there is a real price to pay for being a disrespectful partisan idiot.

Mark McKinnon
Mark McKinnon

I've slipped on occasion into the realm of irresponsible invective, but I try to avoid it and generally recant when I fall short. Because name-calling does nothing to improve understanding or move the political debate forward.

Mark McKinnon
Mark McKinnon

Ah, political physics. Someone wins an election and, poof, they are a candidate for vice president. Ridiculous.

Mark McKinnon
Mark McKinnon

Convention speeches are powerful tools to bend the curve of public opinion. George H. W. Bush's 1988 convention speech is a great example. His son's speech was also quite powerful.

Mark McKinnon
Mark McKinnon

Defending birthright citizenship is about being on the right side of liberty. The 14th Amendment is a great legacy of the Republican Party.

Mark McKinnon
Mark McKinnon

Sarah Palin is brilliant. She is a media magnet and a media magnate. She creates headlines and draws crowds wherever she goes, whether it's 98 degrees in the desert of Arizona or below freezing in the snow of Wisconsin.