Marcia Fudge
Marcia Fudge

In a nation growing increasingly more diverse, it is imperative that the organizations tasked with keeping us informed reflect the same diversity.

Marcia Fudge
Marcia Fudge

I thank Secretary Clinton and her team for recommending me to serve as the permanent chair of the 2016 Democratic National Convention. It is an honor for me and the people of Ohio. I am happy to serve and look forward to a great convention and our ongoing efforts as we work together for a strong party and a successful election.

Marcia Fudge
Marcia Fudge

I've never been one to try to find a niche for myself. I've always tried to wait and see what comes.

Marcia Fudge
Marcia Fudge

As utility companies work to achieve full compliance with clean water standards, Congress must ensure our nation's most vulnerable are not priced out of life's most essential resource.

Marcia Fudge
Marcia Fudge

We are at a point in our nation's history when the right leadership is needed more than ever. Hillary has spent her life advocating for poor and working class families. Hillary will help build an economy for tomorrow and beyond; strengthen America's families; defend our country and its core values; and revitalize our democracy.

Marcia Fudge
Marcia Fudge

The fact that our country, the greatest country in the world, remains mired in race relations issues in the year 2014 is an embarrassment.

Marcia Fudge
Marcia Fudge

Our ultimate goal is that Iran never have a nuclear bomb.

Marcia Fudge
Marcia Fudge

U.S. trade policy is not just about the relationship between our nation and other countries. It is part of a larger conversation about living wage, consumer protection, job security, and a better quality of life for all Americans.

Marcia Fudge
Marcia Fudge

We have to let young people know that we care about them and their future. I want to involve them to a level where they become the leaders and the advocates because, right now, a lot of these young people don't believe they have an advocate.

Marcia Fudge
Marcia Fudge

I want to raise up the next generation of young people who are going to run this community. I need for them to understand government and how it works.

Marcia Fudge
Marcia Fudge

Inviting a foreign head of state to address the Congress is a clear breach of protocol and practice, and undermines the U.S. presidency.

Marcia Fudge
Marcia Fudge

I especially remain firmly opposed to a nuclear Iran and will review all related policies and proposed actions from that position.

Marcia Fudge
Marcia Fudge

To put it simply, my support of Israel will be just as strong the day after Prime Minister Netanyahu's address as it is today.

Marcia Fudge
Marcia Fudge

I'll put my record up against anybody's.

Marcia Fudge
Marcia Fudge

If leadership is something that is in-your-face, then that is a different type of leadership.

Marcia Fudge
Marcia Fudge

We are world leaders, and we need to act like it.

Marcia Fudge
Marcia Fudge

We need to get involved in things that are important to other countries, just as we expect them to participate in things that are important to us.

Marcia Fudge
Marcia Fudge

For those who may not know, it was the CBC that put in place the legislation that put sanctions against South Africa to end apartheid, and that took Mandela off the terrorist list.

Marcia Fudge
Marcia Fudge

There was a close relationship between Mandela and the CBC.

Marcia Fudge
Marcia Fudge

Before being elected to Congress, I was a mayor, and it's this perspective that makes me certain that Ed FitzGerald is the right kind of leader to get Ohio back on track.