Lynn Good
Lynn Good

If I were to share with you the number of attacks that come into the Duke network every day, you would be astounded. And it's not from people working out of their garage; it's from nation-states that are trying to penetrate systems.

Lynn Good
Lynn Good

You see more women in the CFO ranks. It's an evolution.

Lynn Good
Lynn Good

I get energized around a plan - what's it going to be like in three months? Six months? You're not going to let it defeat you. You got to keep going.

Lynn Good
Lynn Good

Always play to your strengths, whether your strengths are gender-based or just natural aptitude.

Lynn Good
Lynn Good

You're well-spoken, or you're very analytical, or you're a great team-builder, or you're great with relationships... Playing to your strengths is always something good to build on because you're trying to develop a foundation to keep growing, as a professional and as a leader.

Lynn Good
Lynn Good

The way we grow is, we make investments. We've been building a natural-gas platform within Duke that started with the pipelines.

Lynn Good
Lynn Good

There is growing demand for renewable energy.

Lynn Good
Lynn Good

I don't think of myself as a powerful woman.

Lynn Good
Lynn Good

There's nothing about Lynn Good at age 30 or age 35 that would have said, 'I am setting my sights on being a CEO.'

Lynn Good
Lynn Good

I had never seen a computer when I went to college.

Lynn Good
Lynn Good

My father was a World War II Marine who became a high school principal. He always had a heart for students who maybe were underprivileged or had difficulty of some sort.

Lynn Good
Lynn Good

I can be incredibly focused, and I can appear impatient. So I've learned to slow down, get to know people, and provide more context. There's nothing wrong with getting to the point pretty quickly, but it's also helpful to give people an opportunity to talk about their work.

Lynn Good
Lynn Good

2013 was a year of great accomplishment for Duke: our first full year as a combined company.

Lynn Good
Lynn Good

Our highest priorities are safe operations and the well-being of the people and communities we serve.

Lynn Good
Lynn Good

At a certain career level, it's no longer about whether you are the smartest subject-matter expert in the room.

Lynn Good
Lynn Good

People who love what they do get after it every day.

Lynn Good
Lynn Good

I become the face of the company, and that's a responsibility.

Lynn Good
Lynn Good

There weren't many women ahead of me.

Lynn Good
Lynn Good

I don't believe you can absolutely have it all.

Lynn Good
Lynn Good

Anytime we make additional investment in a coal plant, we are really challenging whether that investment is economic.