Lisa Bonet
Lisa Bonet

Prisons are like the concentration camps of our time. So many go in and never come out, and primarily they're black and Latino.

Lisa Bonet
Lisa Bonet

An instructor once told me that when there's resistence in your body, it's only because of the resistence in your mind. It's about getting inside the pose. Being the breath.

Lisa Bonet
Lisa Bonet

My desire to participate in the business is not to make more crap.

Lisa Bonet
Lisa Bonet

It's okay to be a freak.

Lisa Bonet
Lisa Bonet

I work with youth offenders in LA, I've heard them speak and see how music manipulates them.

Lisa Bonet
Lisa Bonet

That industry expects you to prove yourself over and over again. Do I stay doing this, or do I raise my daughter and live surrounded by people who love me? Wasn't even really a choice.

Lisa Bonet
Lisa Bonet

Having Zoe saved my life. It was my wake-up call. There were so many things I didn't want to pass on to her.

Lisa Bonet
Lisa Bonet

I took solace in my relationship with God who, along with my dog, was my best friend growing up.

Lisa Bonet
Lisa Bonet

I was obsessed with the Olympics. It's so exciting to see that level of excellence and endurance.

Lisa Bonet
Lisa Bonet

The Cosby years were a major part of my life, but it is the past; I don't really concentrate on it.

Lisa Bonet
Lisa Bonet

Once a week we go to juvenile hall and talk to boys there. Just go and spend a day in the juvenile courts.