Lilly Singh
Lilly Singh

If you want to make YouTube your career, you have to accept that it is also a business. I know everyone's like, 'It's my passion, it's my hobby.' And that's fine; I support that. But if you want to make it your career, it does have a business side.

Lilly Singh
Lilly Singh

I know the video platform so, so, so well. I know the perfect mixture of how comedic a piece has to be, what the video has to be like, what the song has to sound like, to make it successful.

Lilly Singh
Lilly Singh

Growing up, I was always creatively inclined, and when YouTube came about, it was like getting the perfect platform to showcase what I wanted. Personally, I was going through a dark phase in my life, and I decided to make videos and basically go by the adage, 'If you want to cheer up yourself, go cheer up someone else.'

Lilly Singh
Lilly Singh

When I was coming out of depression, I made one random video. It wasn't funny or anything, but just the idea that people I didn't know were watching it made me feel less alone than I'd felt in a long time.

Lilly Singh
Lilly Singh

The good thing about me is, I only do deals with people that I love to begin with.

Lilly Singh
Lilly Singh

Everyone's voice should be heard when it comes to racial barriers.

Lilly Singh
Lilly Singh

A majority of my YouTube friends I've made because I made a trip down to California and literally tweeted them saying, 'Hey! Come over - let's shoot something!' And then two strangers will just meet up, talk, and shoot something.

Lilly Singh
Lilly Singh

I want to do everything I can possibly do to step outside the box.

Lilly Singh
Lilly Singh

I've had fans do some pretty awesome things... I once had a fan do a mock proposal for me in Mumbai, inside a McDonalds... and I've had fans give me some precious things. I had one fan give me her mother's ring; I've gotten some pretty intense stuff. And I always get drawings and scrapbooks from fans, which is also pretty cool.

Lilly Singh
Lilly Singh

The majority of people call or message me because they need something or they want something. You never know what people's intentions are.

Lilly Singh
Lilly Singh

I'm an extreme workaholic.

Lilly Singh
Lilly Singh

Everything I do with my day is related to Superwoman. I'm either doing conference calls or writing a script or reading a script, editing a video, shooting a video.

Lilly Singh
Lilly Singh

I just love what I do so much.

Lilly Singh
Lilly Singh

When I was younger, I always wanted to be someone in the entertainment industry.

Lilly Singh
Lilly Singh

I like to describe my stuff as observational comedy.

Lilly Singh
Lilly Singh

The parent characters that I portray are Indian because I grew up in an Indian household. Having said that, I feel like people of all cultures would relate to those parents.

Lilly Singh
Lilly Singh

When I started out the videos, I was dealing with depression, and I wanted to make inspiring videos for others, which would end up inspiring me in turn. I wanted to show the world that it was possible to make a positive switch in life and start over.

Lilly Singh
Lilly Singh

Independent content these days can be more successful than previously because of the power of social media. However, there are still systems in place to make sure independent artists don't get as far as signed ones.

Lilly Singh
Lilly Singh

I think what people like about my channel is that I am not perfect. I always point to my pimple, my bad hair day... people relate to that. They are watching somebody who is exactly like them and talking about things that they experience as well.

Lilly Singh
Lilly Singh

No matter what I put out, somebody will be offended. I made a video on 10 reasons to smile, and it has dislikes. That should be an indication that there will be some who get offended no matter what you do. The best you can do as an entertainer or as someone who performs is to follow what you believe in.