Kevin Brady
Kevin Brady

If we were starting from scratch, there's no question a simple retail consumption tax with protections for those with lower incomes would drive the economy the best and be the simplest to administer.

Kevin Brady
Kevin Brady

Texas is made for trade.

Kevin Brady
Kevin Brady

What I'm absolutely certain of is, every day we delay in accessing that Asia-Pacific region, the more we lose economically.

Kevin Brady
Kevin Brady

Obamacare's design flaws were not the fault of the American people.

Kevin Brady
Kevin Brady

Our broken tax code is one of the main reasons the United States lags behind when it comes to economic growth, job creation, and competitiveness. Without pro-growth tax reform, our workers and our businesses will continue to suffer.

Kevin Brady
Kevin Brady

For decades, American companies, large and small, have been competing with one hand tied behind their backs thanks to our unfair, outdated tax code.

Kevin Brady
Kevin Brady

The ability to immediately deduct the costs of capital investments will help employers improve worker productivity and output - which grows Main Street jobs. And with these savings, businesses across the country will have more freedom to grow, hire new workers, and increase wages.

Kevin Brady
Kevin Brady

Given a choice between President Trump with more freedom for Americans and ObamaCare with more government, I chose to stand with President Trump and freedom.

Kevin Brady
Kevin Brady

To achieve responsible budget savings, government must be retooled with an effective spending-control system.

Kevin Brady
Kevin Brady

You know Washington. If the deadline is midnight, they'll start working on it at 11:30.

Kevin Brady
Kevin Brady

Unlike the American inventions and achievements that have expanded horizons of possibility, our nation's tax code has become an excessive burden that strangles individual opportunity and economic freedom.

Kevin Brady
Kevin Brady

Tax Day is often a source of frustration for taxpayers, so anything that can make the process less painful is appreciated.

Kevin Brady
Kevin Brady

I'm not going to risk our precious military resources on an ineffective, unproductive mission.

Kevin Brady
Kevin Brady

This turbulent world is far from a perfect place.

Kevin Brady
Kevin Brady

The single greatest force for deficit reduction is a growing economy.

Kevin Brady
Kevin Brady

Our Savior's birth is the ultimate reminder that miracles happen and often when we don't expect them.

Kevin Brady
Kevin Brady

Soaring rhetoric will not restore the American people's confidence in their government.

Kevin Brady
Kevin Brady

Whether you are pro-choice or strongly pro-life, as I am, there should be common ground that abortion ceases to be an option when a baby can live outside the mother's womb or experience excruciating pain from a procedure.

Kevin Brady
Kevin Brady

Voters have figured out Republicans want to save Medicare for the long term, and they know that those who say everything's just fine with it aren't leveling with them.

Kevin Brady
Kevin Brady

America's real national security interest in the region is protecting our friend Israel.