Ken Loach
Ken Loach

I try to avoid mirrors.

Ken Loach
Ken Loach

It would be exciting to take part in what we now call the Enlightenment at the end of the 18th century, but with modern dentistry.

Ken Loach
Ken Loach

Eric Cantona is a giggler.

Ken Loach
Ken Loach

People who are deaf or hard of hearing need all the support we can give them.

Ken Loach
Ken Loach

Oh, I don't like labels.

Ken Loach
Ken Loach

I think cinema is taken a bit more seriously in France.

Ken Loach
Ken Loach

If you think back to the great French directors it's difficult to think of British film-makers who are comparable.

Ken Loach
Ken Loach

I think it's time British filmmakers stopped allowing themselves to be colonized so ruthlessly by U.S. ideas and stopped looking so slavishly to the U.S. market. It demeans filmmaking when they do that.

Ken Loach
Ken Loach

Don't take advice. You have to make up your own mind what to do from the beginning.

Ken Loach
Ken Loach

Politics lives in people, ideas live in people, they live in the concrete struggles that people have.

Ken Loach
Ken Loach

How families interact is not some abstract concept of mother, son, father, daughter; it has to do with economic circumstances, the work they do, the time they can spend with each other.

Ken Loach
Ken Loach

For the writers I have worked with and for me, the relationship between the personal comedy of daily life and the economic context in which that life happens has always been very significant.

Ken Loach
Ken Loach

I know there are people who can direct sitting down away from it all at a video monitor. But I can't do that.

Ken Loach
Ken Loach

A TV series is a long commitment.

Ken Loach
Ken Loach

When you get older you do one film at a time.

Ken Loach
Ken Loach

I wasn't from a political family. Nobody talked politics.

Ken Loach
Ken Loach

I hate programmes where some TV personality looks you in the eye and tells you what to think - the Andrew Marr version of history. I hate the authorial voice telling you what to think.

Ken Loach
Ken Loach

Ordinary people can be very articulate and very eloquent.

Ken Loach
Ken Loach

My father worked in a factory and as a child it felt very secure. It felt very secure because everybody had work, the schools were free, so there was a security of knowing that the war had finished and families would come together again.

Ken Loach
Ken Loach

I'm not a great cinema-goer.