Joseph Brodsky
Joseph Brodsky

Of course there is no denying the possible pleasure of holing up with a fat, slow-moving, mediocre novel; still, we all know that we can indulge ourselves in that fashion only so much. In the end, we read not for reading's sake, but to learn.

Joseph Brodsky
Joseph Brodsky

Any dispute in matters of taste usually results in a standoff.

Joseph Brodsky
Joseph Brodsky

The poetic notion of infinity is far greater than that which is sponsored by any creed.

Joseph Brodsky
Joseph Brodsky

This assumption that the blue collar crowd is not supposed to read it, or a farmer in his overalls is not to read poetry, seems to be dangerous if not tragic.

Joseph Brodsky
Joseph Brodsky

I haven't shifted language. I'm writing in English because I like it. I'm a sucker for the language, but the good old poems I'm still writing in Russian.

Joseph Brodsky
Joseph Brodsky

Prison is, indeed, a translation of your metaphysics, ethics, sense of history and whatnot into the compact terms of your daily deportment.

Joseph Brodsky
Joseph Brodsky

Anyone who regards poetry as an entertainment, as a 'read,' commits an anthropological crime, in the first place against himself.

Joseph Brodsky
Joseph Brodsky

It's not that prison makes you shed your abstract notions. On the contrary, it pares them down to their most succinct articulations. Prison is, indeed, a translation of your metaphysics, ethics, sense of history and whatnot into the compact terms of your daily deportment.

Joseph Brodsky
Joseph Brodsky

Bad politics make for bad morals.

Joseph Brodsky
Joseph Brodsky

The charge frequently leveled against poetry - that it is difficult, obscure, hermetic and whatnot - indicates not the state of poetry but, frankly, the rung of the evolutionary ladder on which society is stuck.

Joseph Brodsky
Joseph Brodsky

What your foes do derives its significance or consequence from the way you react.

Joseph Brodsky
Joseph Brodsky

In order to live in a different country, you have to love something there. You have to love something there. You have to love either the spirit of the laws or the economic opportunities, or the - well, history of the country, the language perhaps, literature.

Joseph Brodsky
Joseph Brodsky

Life has a great deal up its sleeve.

Joseph Brodsky
Joseph Brodsky

You cannot cover a ruin with a page of 'Pravda.'

Joseph Brodsky
Joseph Brodsky

My idea is simply - is very simple - is that the books of poetry should be published in far greater volume and be distributed in far greater volume, in far more substantial manner. You can sell in supermarkets very cheaply. In paperbacks. You can sell in drugstores.

Joseph Brodsky
Joseph Brodsky

Whenever one pulls the trigger in order to rectify history's mistake, one lies. For history makes no mistakes, since it has no purpose.

Joseph Brodsky
Joseph Brodsky

One of the worst things that can happen to an artist is to perceive himself as the owner of his art, and art as his tool. A product of the marketplace sensibility, this attitude barely differs on a psychological plane from the patron's view of the artist as a paid employee.

Joseph Brodsky
Joseph Brodsky

American poetry to me is a sort of relentless, nonstop sermon on human autonomy.

Joseph Brodsky
Joseph Brodsky

As failures go, attempting to recall the past is like claiming to grasp the meaning of existence. Both make one feel like a baby clutching at a basketball: one's palms keep sliding off.

Joseph Brodsky
Joseph Brodsky

I don't suppose that I know more about life than anyone of my age, but it seems to me that, in the capacity of an interlocutor, a book is more reliable than a friend or a beloved.