Jorge Ramos
Jorge Ramos

We need not only one Cesar Chavez; we need a thousand Cesar Chavezes.

Jorge Ramos
Jorge Ramos

It's a privilege to work as an anchor for Univision, but more important, I am amazed by how Latinos are transforming America.

Jorge Ramos
Jorge Ramos

There's a huge migration of eyeballs from television screens to cellphones, tablets, and laptops. More and more people prefer to watch their favorite shows at a time and a place of their own choosing. Appointment TV only happens when you are waiting for the doctor.

Jorge Ramos
Jorge Ramos

You wouldn't expect ABC or any of the mainstream networks to take a position on immigration, health care, anything. But at Univision, it's different. We are pro-immigrant. That's our audience, and people depend on us. When we are better represented politically, that role for us will recede.

Jorge Ramos
Jorge Ramos

I think as journalists, we have to keep our distance from power.

Jorge Ramos
Jorge Ramos

I'm not seeing tough questions asked on American television. I'm not seeing those correspondents that would question those in power. It's like a club. We are not asking the tough questions.

Jorge Ramos
Jorge Ramos

We in the Hispanic community are truly tired of both the Democrats and the Republicans promising all of these things during the campaigns and then forgetting about it after the campaigns are over.

Jorge Ramos
Jorge Ramos

I don't think we've asked the right questions, the tough questions, at the right time, in Washington.

Jorge Ramos
Jorge Ramos

When journalists forget that our job is to question and annoy those in power, there can be huge consequences.

Jorge Ramos
Jorge Ramos

You have to go through a mental and emotional process to recognize who you really are. I finally recognized that I cannot be defined by one country.

Jorge Ramos
Jorge Ramos

Mexico will never accept U.S. military intervention. Mexicans always remember 1848.

Jorge Ramos
Jorge Ramos

I go out on publicity tours for my books, and, you know, Latinos, they bring everybody in the family to everything, even little kids. So I always ask the kids, 'Who wants to be the first Latino President?' It used to be no hands went up, or maybe one or two. Now, with Obama, many of the little hands go up. It will happen in my lifetime.

Jorge Ramos
Jorge Ramos

Immigration is the issue that tells us who is with us and who is against us; there's no question about it. And it's very simple to understand why - half of all Latinos over 18 years of age were born outside the United States. It really makes no sense to attack them and criticize them if you want their vote.

Jorge Ramos
Jorge Ramos

Trump's characterization of undocumented immigrants is, of course, absurd. Not only do the facts, well, trump his assertions, but his prejudiced views demonstrate a deep ignorance about Mexican immigrants in the United States.

Jorge Ramos
Jorge Ramos

What I find most interesting about the U.S. is this idea of equality. That's what I'm trying to do with immigration. If what the founding fathers said is true, that we are all equal, then let's fight for that.

Jorge Ramos
Jorge Ramos

The future of TV is not on TV. It's on the smaller screens we are all using in front of the television set.

Jorge Ramos
Jorge Ramos

I have been asking if I'm an activist or a journalist. And my answer is very simple. I'm just a journalist who asks questions.

Jorge Ramos
Jorge Ramos

When it comes to racism, discrimination, corruption, public lies, dictatorships, and human rights, you have to take a stand as a reporter because I think our responsibility as journalist is to confront those who are abusing power.

Jorge Ramos
Jorge Ramos

I don't like to put labels on anyone. I'm a reporter. I'd rather observe and describe and question.

Jorge Ramos
Jorge Ramos

Young Latinos have been telling me that they want to register to vote because of Donald Trump. Not because they want to vote for him but because they want to vote against him.