Joe Wurzelbacher
Joe Wurzelbacher

I'm a flash in the pan: a novelty.

Joe Wurzelbacher
Joe Wurzelbacher

The media's worried about whether I've paid my taxes; they're worried about any number of silly things that have nothing to do with America.

Joe Wurzelbacher
Joe Wurzelbacher

I am a plumber. Just a plumber.

Joe Wurzelbacher
Joe Wurzelbacher

When you can't ask a question of your leaders anymore, that gets scary.

Joe Wurzelbacher
Joe Wurzelbacher

When you hire a plumber because no hot water is coming out of the kitchen sink faucet, you need to go to the water heater, not the faucet.

Joe Wurzelbacher
Joe Wurzelbacher

Ever since Obama's election team and media thugs made me famous for asking a simple question in 2008, I've had more than my share of death threats by people who are by definition at least a little crazy.

Joe Wurzelbacher
Joe Wurzelbacher

In my dictionary, and everyone's dictionary in the 1970s, the word 'queer' did mean strange and unusual. There was no slur to it.

Joe Wurzelbacher
Joe Wurzelbacher

I'm allowed to have my opinions as an American, but it seems the Left becomes very intolerant when you have an opinion other than what they state.

Joe Wurzelbacher
Joe Wurzelbacher

Can a conservative work safely and soundly in a union environment - in a shop filled with union workers, activists, voters and life-long supporters of the Democrat Party? You betcha.

Joe Wurzelbacher
Joe Wurzelbacher

You have to be taxed. Just because you work a little harder to have a little bit more money taken from you, I mean, that's scary. I worked hard for it. Why should I be taxed more than other people?

Joe Wurzelbacher
Joe Wurzelbacher

In 1939, Germany established gun control. From 1939 to 1945, six million Jews and seven million others unable to defend themselves were exterminated.

Joe Wurzelbacher
Joe Wurzelbacher

God is pretty explicit in what we're supposed to do - what man and woman are for. Now, at the same time, we're supposed to love everybody and accept people, and preach against the sins.

Joe Wurzelbacher
Joe Wurzelbacher

I've had some friends that are actually homosexual. And, I mean, they know where I stand, and they know that I wouldn't have them anywhere near my children. But at the same time, they're people, and they're going to do their thing.

Joe Wurzelbacher
Joe Wurzelbacher

If I can inspire some leaders, that would be great. I don't know if I want to be a leader.

Joe Wurzelbacher
Joe Wurzelbacher

It's not politically incorrect to say you're Republican or conservative.

Joe Wurzelbacher
Joe Wurzelbacher

Conservatism is about the basic rights of individuals. God created us. As far as the government goes, the Founding Fathers based the Constitution off of Christian values. It goes hand-in-hand. As far as the Republican Party? I felt connected to it because individual freedom should not be legislated by the federal government.

Joe Wurzelbacher
Joe Wurzelbacher

One thing I've been thinking about is taking the social issues out of national politics. For example, if Georgia wanted abortion and Alabama didn't, that's going to be up to the people in Georgia. I can't sway them. Would I give them advice not to? Absolutely. Would I say it's wrong? Yes.