Jeff Giles
Jeff Giles

I like beautiful writing, pain, unexpected humor, and the message that, at the last second, people are going to be kind to each other. It almost doesn't matter what the genre is.

Jeff Giles
Jeff Giles

Scott Bradfield writes weird, oblique, unsettling stuff.

Jeff Giles
Jeff Giles

In the annals of the rich and miserable, Christina Onassis stands out, if only because she was so rich and so miserable.

Jeff Giles
Jeff Giles

Any time a young adult book throws a girl and a guy together, the clock starts running on the countdown to the kiss.

Jeff Giles
Jeff Giles

In my work at 'Entertainment Weekly,' I had written reviews and news stories about YA books and film franchises and was always moved by how smart and voracious and loyal the readers were. Everything we did got lots of attention and reaction.

Jeff Giles
Jeff Giles

The YA category changes pretty fast. I'm so impressed by what these authors do.

Jeff Giles
Jeff Giles

There are all kinds of voices in YA, and they are realistic and unflinching.

Jeff Giles
Jeff Giles

I had written many things as a journalist, but I had no idea if I could write something scary or romantic or touching that wasn't me writing about someone else's life story. It was really exciting to try.

Jeff Giles
Jeff Giles

Because I'm a writer, I'm really good at being nervous.

Jeff Giles
Jeff Giles

In its more listless moments, 'Pharaoh's Army' seems a ramshackle collection of memories not overly concerned with telling a larger story.

Jeff Giles
Jeff Giles

Sharon Stone has made a fortune from her movies, so who says you can't get something for nothing?

Jeff Giles
Jeff Giles

It is amazing how quickly a true talent can announce itself. In the case of Myla Goldberg, it is not even a matter of pages, but of sentences.

Jeff Giles
Jeff Giles

Jean Thompson's short-story collection 'Who Do You Love' is a beautiful book, but a hell of a sad one.

Jeff Giles
Jeff Giles

Making a summer movie is like accepting a mission impossible: your enemies are everywhere, and if you fail, the studio's never heard of you.