Jason Momoa
Jason Momoa

My wife's trying to get me into yoga, and it's gonna take me a while, but eventually I'm gonna have to.

Jason Momoa
Jason Momoa

Everything has technique to it. So if there's something you wanna try out, I think it's always good to get a trainer or listen to people who know what they're doing.

Jason Momoa
Jason Momoa

I get up at 5 A.M., and I train hard. I've got two young children, so I have to get up early. But I like it.

Jason Momoa
Jason Momoa

Whenever I wake up, I'm up. I don't lie there like an idiot. I get up, run up a hill, get some exercise, and have some time with my thoughts.

Jason Momoa
Jason Momoa

Morning is when I do all my best work.

Jason Momoa
Jason Momoa

I can't wait until I get to play the fat guy in the office.

Jason Momoa
Jason Momoa

I saw Frank Frazetta's art, and it seared on my memory. I love his paintings. They're so amazing.

Jason Momoa
Jason Momoa

I do love horses, but I'd rather be on motorcycles.

Jason Momoa
Jason Momoa

My kids are always like, 'Why do people always want to take pictures with you?' and I'm like, 'Because I'm your Dada, and you're my daughter. That's why.' It's definitely mostly because of 'Game of Thrones.'

Jason Momoa
Jason Momoa

When you're just an actor, you do your role, and then you're in your trailer. It's not as hands on as when you're directing. You live and breathe it.

Jason Momoa
Jason Momoa

You paint something, and it's yours. It's your heart up on the wall.

Jason Momoa
Jason Momoa

I grew up being an artist, but also rock-climbing and traveling the world and teaching my kids.

Jason Momoa
Jason Momoa

We don't own a TV. My kids are always outdoors.

Jason Momoa
Jason Momoa

I'm a Batman fan from Day 1. My daughter's favorite is Wonder Woman, and my son loves The Flash, Cyborg, and Superman.

Jason Momoa
Jason Momoa

Train hard, train hard, train hard.

Jason Momoa
Jason Momoa

I've been fascinated with Maori culture since I was a kid.

Jason Momoa
Jason Momoa

My son loves swords and shields and dragons.

Jason Momoa
Jason Momoa

My mom's an artist in every way. She's a painter, a photographer. She's a wanderer - always searching, always seeing. I guess you could say my mom gave me her eyes.

Jason Momoa
Jason Momoa

When I got 'Stargate: Atlantis,' I said, 'Man, I'd love to be on HBO.'

Jason Momoa
Jason Momoa

I don't want to be like Spider-man or Batman, the do-gooder kind of thing.