James Vincent McMorrow
James Vincent McMorrow

I didn't start playing music really until I was 18/19, so it was a relatively new thing. I didn't play much music in school.

James Vincent McMorrow
James Vincent McMorrow

I don't know if I'm attention deficit, but I certainly am easily distracted by other things.

James Vincent McMorrow
James Vincent McMorrow

I moved to London with this really warped sense of expectation.

James Vincent McMorrow
James Vincent McMorrow

The only thing that's ever made sense to me has been sitting in the house by myself making music.

James Vincent McMorrow
James Vincent McMorrow

I like working by myself.

James Vincent McMorrow
James Vincent McMorrow

I grew up in a place called Malahide, which is by the water and is beautifully quiet, leafy, and part serene.

James Vincent McMorrow
James Vincent McMorrow

I've traveled quite a lot and become a coffee nut.

James Vincent McMorrow
James Vincent McMorrow

I'm mostly a keep-to-myself kind of guy, but you slowly find yourself getting folded into the musical tapestry.

James Vincent McMorrow
James Vincent McMorrow

Food in Dublin has gotten immeasurably better than it was. When I was a kid, there weren't a lot of options. Now you're overwhelmed with options.

James Vincent McMorrow
James Vincent McMorrow

The idea of trying to predict what people will or won't respond to is risky.

James Vincent McMorrow
James Vincent McMorrow

I'm very ambitious, musically - I want to create great things, not mediocre work.

James Vincent McMorrow
James Vincent McMorrow

I don't function well in certain aspects of society, and you can read into that what you will.

James Vincent McMorrow
James Vincent McMorrow

You can batter your guitar, and it won't distort too much, which is important for me because I play with my hands a lot - I don't really play with picks.

James Vincent McMorrow
James Vincent McMorrow

I've got an Avalon guitar - that's the company that used to be Lowden. They come out of Ireland, and they're like these folk kind of guitars. You can pick 'em, you can strum 'em - they're quite good.

James Vincent McMorrow
James Vincent McMorrow

All the really good guitar players - Jimi Hendrix, Jimmy Page, or even Bert Jansch or John Martin - I love all those people. But I didn't start out thinking that I would be a guitar player. In the beginning, I played the guitar so I could sing. I mainly concentrated on my voice.

James Vincent McMorrow
James Vincent McMorrow

I'm learning on the guitar all the time.

James Vincent McMorrow
James Vincent McMorrow

It bothers me when musicians listen to music from the '60s and try and recreate it. Those people weren't trying to recreate music from the '20s. Why do it?

James Vincent McMorrow
James Vincent McMorrow

You play a couple of shows, and these label guys come - and they leave halfway through a show. Then the phone calls just stop. And your heart is broken.