Sugata Mitra
Sugata Mitra

The Indian education system, like the Indian bureaucratic system, is Victorian and still in the 19th century. Our schools are still designed to produce clerks for an empire that does not exist anymore.

Sugata Mitra
Sugata Mitra

My wish for humanity is to invent a way to communicate between us and whatever comes next. And in the end that we the creator of the sentient sapient and the created we have a symbiotic relationship.

Sugata Mitra
Sugata Mitra

Learning is the new skill. Imagination, creation and asking new questions are at its core.

Sugata Mitra
Sugata Mitra

Experiments show that children in unsupervised groups are capable of answering questions many years ahead of the material they're learning in school. In fact, they seem to enjoy the absence of adult supervision, and they are very confident of finding the right answer.

Sugata Mitra
Sugata Mitra

You can force students to learn, to a certain extent, but students aren't happy and employers aren't happy.

Sugata Mitra
Sugata Mitra

People are adamant learning is not just looking at a Google page. But it is. Learning is looking at Google pages. What is wrong with that?

Sugata Mitra
Sugata Mitra

We need a pedagogy free from fear and focused on the magic of children's innate quest for information and understanding.

Sugata Mitra
Sugata Mitra

Too often we see that teachers and educational administrators feel threatened by self-organized learning. They, therefore, think it is not learning at all.

Sugata Mitra
Sugata Mitra

It's quite fashionable to say that the educational system is broken. It's not broken. It's wonderfully constructed. It's just that we don't need it anymore.

Sugata Mitra
Sugata Mitra

In nine months, a group of children left alone with a computer - in any language - would reach the same standard as an office secretary in the West.

Sugata Mitra
Sugata Mitra

There will always be places in the world where good schools don't exist and good teachers don't want to go, not just in the developing world but in places of socioeconomic hardship.

Sugata Mitra
Sugata Mitra

It would be better, in a way, if any adults present were completely uneducated. There is nothing children like more than passing on information they have just discovered to people who may not already have it - an elderly grandmother, for instance.

Sugata Mitra
Sugata Mitra

If children know there is someone standing over them who knows all the answers, they are less inclined to find the answers for themselves.

Sugata Mitra
Sugata Mitra

Teachers are not supposed to be repositories of information which they dish out. That is from an age when there were no other repositories of information, other than books or teachers, neither of which were portable. A lot of my big task is retraining these teachers.

Sugata Mitra
Sugata Mitra

Go to a job interview and tell and employer that you can recite the 17 times table; they don't care. Why are we still teaching it?

Sugata Mitra
Sugata Mitra

Education prepares to be one piece of a machine.

Sugata Mitra
Sugata Mitra

In most schools, we measure children on what they know. By and large, they have to memorize the content of whatever test is coming up. Because measuring the results of rote learning is easy, rote prevails. What kids know is just not important in comparison with whether they can think.

Sugata Mitra
Sugata Mitra

I was inspired by the Hole in the Wall project, where a computer with an internet connection was put in a Delhi slum. When the slum was revisited after a month, the children of that slum had learned how to use the worldwide web.

Sugata Mitra
Sugata Mitra

I'm encouraging kids to use computers at their own pace to build aspirations.

Sugata Mitra
Sugata Mitra

Too many pupils at schools in the U.K. want to have careers as footballers or TV hosts, or models, because that's what they're constantly exposed to as the heroes of our time.