James Murphy
James Murphy

I'm always surprised by how optimistic and open sometimes people who are very successful are.

James Murphy
James Murphy

There's kind of a limitless amount of things I want to do, and when the path seems to open, that's when I try to do a thing.

James Murphy
James Murphy

If I opened a record store, it wouldn't be all punk rock and esoterica.

James Murphy
James Murphy

I'm a DJ, and I live in Williamsburg, and I run an independent record company.

James Murphy
James Murphy

The more you are like me, the less interested in my band you are.

James Murphy
James Murphy

I understand that if someone's going to make me his idea of cool, I can't control that.

James Murphy
James Murphy

LCD is a band about a band writing music about writing music.

James Murphy
James Murphy

LCD live was set up to be an argument about what's wrong with bands and why bands should be better. I always thought that we were so obviously not a great band, comically not a great band. I was not a great front man.

James Murphy
James Murphy

I'm basically a schlub.

James Murphy
James Murphy

I have a thing about inane lyrics - the world doesn't need them.

James Murphy
James Murphy

I had friends who were jocks or whatever... Then, around 12 or 13, kids get cliquish and cruel, and that disgusted me. It seemed a reprehensible use of one's arbitrary social status. So I got really aggressive about it and became more of a weird kid.

James Murphy
James Murphy

I've always been a good imitator. I love music. But I'm just not that original.

James Murphy
James Murphy

If there was a direct influence on a song, I never hid it.

James Murphy
James Murphy

Punk rock, to me, was always outsiderness. When I first saw large-group-scene punk rock, I was repelled by it, because there were way too many people who agreed with each other.

James Murphy
James Murphy

Making people dance has another function that has nothing to do with art, and I mean that in the most positive way possible. It's like food - if you're not eating it, you're doing something wrong. If they're not dancing, something is wrong.

James Murphy
James Murphy

When I do a remix, I try to think about what I don't have in my bag and create something to fill that gap.

James Murphy
James Murphy

One of the things that I think is special about DJing is creating this atmosphere of collectiveness, as if to say, 'We're all in this together.'

James Murphy
James Murphy

I always wished I had a more flamboyant streak, but it's just not what I'm made of.

James Murphy
James Murphy

For most of my life, making music has cost me money. So I learned to live very, very cheaply.

James Murphy
James Murphy

I don't write off silly pop people at all, because you never know where they're coming from.