James Cleverly
James Cleverly

One of the big learnings both out of the referendum, and out of 2017 general election is that parties that don't have a professional network on the ground slightly lose the ability to hear what local people are saying, so we've reestablished our network of campaign managers out in the field.

James Cleverly
James Cleverly

Voters don't just want to see detached and distant faces on TV, they want to feel that they know the people that they're trying to vote for.

James Cleverly
James Cleverly

Boris is a naturally energetic and optimistic politician. And when he goes on the campaign trail that just becomes so evident.

James Cleverly
James Cleverly

There are two things you can do in politics: you can sit around waiting for things to happen, or you can start doing them.

James Cleverly
James Cleverly

If we went around just throwing people on the scrap heap because of one or two things that they might have done in their youth, I think we would lose a lot of talent.

James Cleverly
James Cleverly

There is an awful lot you can accomplish by being a vocal champion for a certain cause.

James Cleverly
James Cleverly

It's the nature often on social media that people say things without really thinking through their position.

James Cleverly
James Cleverly

Both the country, and my party, are beset with division. We cannot bring the country back together unless the party of government is united, and the party cannot unite if it is led from its fringes.

James Cleverly
James Cleverly

There is a pattern whereby even if you can't map out the exact policies and issues that might be dangerous for you as an individual... we've seen this before. And you don't have to join all the dots to see it ends badly. There shouldn't be that kind of fear from any community in the UK about a future government.

James Cleverly
James Cleverly

I think the Conservative Party is a fantastic organisation, it's been a wonderful home for me.

James Cleverly
James Cleverly

I'm in the most diverse Cabinet.

James Cleverly
James Cleverly

When I have been speaking to people in Braintree and at other places in the country they really didn't buy into Labour's economic offer, didn't buy into scare stories about the NHS and clearly didn't trust Jeremy Corbyn.

James Cleverly
James Cleverly

Once we can Brexit delivered, we can then start talking about those other issues which are much better at bringing people together. We will talk about local health provision, education, farming policing and the economy.

James Cleverly
James Cleverly

The London assembly's job is to scrutinise the mayor of London.

James Cleverly
James Cleverly

When I was on the London assembly it was quite common for government ministers to refuse to appear.

James Cleverly
James Cleverly

We didn't get agitated over the closure of blacksmiths when people stopped riding horses and started driving cars.

James Cleverly
James Cleverly

Once Brexit is delivered, we then need to think about how we can make the Conservatives look new and sound different.

James Cleverly
James Cleverly

I am Brexit tooth and claw, but we need to be pragmatic and sensible and leave with a deal.

James Cleverly
James Cleverly

To inspire the British people we need to look different, sound different, and offer something new. I believe I can do that.

James Cleverly
James Cleverly

Brexit has given us the start of a conversation with people who perhaps haven't traditionally voted Conservative.