Hasso Plattner
Hasso Plattner

I am grateful for the great education at a public university that Germany gave me, and that - added to a little luck - allowed me to achieve. Education is the key to a career, and its basis has to be provided by government.

Hasso Plattner
Hasso Plattner

I made my money with software - encoded knowledge without which few products and services can exist today - and so it seemed imperative that this would be the field where I would give something back.

Hasso Plattner
Hasso Plattner

At Stanford, we teach 'design thinking' - that is, we put together small, interdisciplinary groups to figure out what the true needs are and then to apply the art of engineering to serve them.

Hasso Plattner
Hasso Plattner

Fans don't like owners. They know they are somewhere - actually, in Germany, some owners are anonymous. Fans don't sympathize with owners, so ownership stays in the back.

Hasso Plattner
Hasso Plattner

In the '80s, when Gretzky came to the World Championships in the second or third game, you'd see this guy skating circles around the other ones. Unbelievable.

Hasso Plattner
Hasso Plattner

I create, for whatever reason, a busy schedule, but I watch hockey, all the games, either on the PC or TV. The world is now HD, and this is very good.

Hasso Plattner
Hasso Plattner

It's not good if owners of sports teams are talking to sports journalists, bypassing the manager. That goes in the wrong direction wherever it happens. Therefore, I'll refrain from doing this at all.