Gilbert Arenas
Gilbert Arenas

I feel like most ex-NBA players don't embrace the team they played for.

Gilbert Arenas
Gilbert Arenas

When you blink, you're on the back end of your career.

Gilbert Arenas
Gilbert Arenas

John Wall - me and him talk a lot.

Gilbert Arenas
Gilbert Arenas

If we lost a game, and I thought I played bad, I'm staying in the gym to keep shooting. That's what I did.

Gilbert Arenas
Gilbert Arenas

When I look back on my career, from the hard work I put in, I got everything I deserved.

Gilbert Arenas
Gilbert Arenas

I want politicians coming to me and asking me for advice.

Gilbert Arenas
Gilbert Arenas

I have so much entertainment going on in my house that I don't need to go out.

Gilbert Arenas
Gilbert Arenas

Some people just can't forgive. And that's just the way life is. You know, I can't forgive some things, either.

Gilbert Arenas
Gilbert Arenas

I don't think anyone's worth $100 million if Michael Jordan wasn't, but hey, that's what Abe Pollin thought I was worth, and if someone puts $100 million in front of you, you're gonna take it, too.

Gilbert Arenas
Gilbert Arenas

I'm a goof. C'mon, everyone knows that.

Gilbert Arenas
Gilbert Arenas

I look at my elders as the leaders.

Gilbert Arenas
Gilbert Arenas

If you have a kid that loves basketball - that eats, sleeps, drinks, and thinks basketball, and all he knows is basketball - and he gets hurt, and he's your franchise player, you need to hold him back from himself.

Gilbert Arenas
Gilbert Arenas

Most kids would be like, 'My dad's never around.' But I saw it as a positive. He was out there working to provide for me.

Gilbert Arenas
Gilbert Arenas

When I went through my life, I was like, 'I sit around and play video games all day. Nobody wants to hear about this.'

Gilbert Arenas
Gilbert Arenas

I always have something going on.

Gilbert Arenas
Gilbert Arenas

I check out my MySpace. I'll go on sites to see what's funny on YouTube.

Gilbert Arenas
Gilbert Arenas

Some people would rather not go to arenas; they'd rather just sit at home and watch the game at home or play on the computer.

Gilbert Arenas
Gilbert Arenas

I really don't want to feel like an adult.

Gilbert Arenas
Gilbert Arenas

You don't want to be too uptight about anything. Especially your job.

Gilbert Arenas
Gilbert Arenas

As happy as I am off the floor, on the floor I'm the opposite. I don't take any crap.