Elizabeth Warren
Elizabeth Warren

I get heartfelt thanks from all kinds of people. Today I heard from a waitress in Georgia who has lost her job and is trying to figure out how her local bank can change the terms on her credit card, and I heard from a physicist at a major research university who wants to explain a better theory of financial stress tests.

Elizabeth Warren
Elizabeth Warren

What we collectively decide about how to bail out our economy, how to pull our economy out of a ditch and what rules we put in place to make sure this problem does not happen again, will shape our country for the next 50 years. This is it.

Elizabeth Warren
Elizabeth Warren

Like a lot of you, I grew up in a family on the ragged edges of the middle class. My daddy sold carpeting and ended up as a maintenance man. After he had a heart attack, my mom worked the phones at Sears so we could hang on to our house.

Elizabeth Warren
Elizabeth Warren

Me, I was waiting tables of 13 and married at 19. I graduated from public schools, and taught elementary school.

Elizabeth Warren
Elizabeth Warren

President Obama believes in a level playing field.

Elizabeth Warren
Elizabeth Warren

President Obama believes in a country where we invest in education, in roads and bridges, in science, and in the future so we can create new opportunities so the next kid can make it big and the kid afer that and the kid after that, that's what President Obama believes.

Elizabeth Warren
Elizabeth Warren

Are you ready to fight for good jobs and and a solid level playing field? Are you ready to prove to another generation of Americans that we can build a better country and a newer world? Joe Biden is ready. Barack Obama is ready. I am ready. You're ready.

Elizabeth Warren
Elizabeth Warren

I know what I am in Washington to do: I'm here to fight for hardworking families.

Elizabeth Warren
Elizabeth Warren

Growing up, my mother and grandparents often talked about our family's Native American heritage. As a kid, I never thought to ask them for documentation - what kid would?

Elizabeth Warren
Elizabeth Warren

I never sought nor gained personal benefit in school or job applications based on my heritage.

Elizabeth Warren
Elizabeth Warren

America's middle class is getting hammered, and Washington is rigged to work for the big guy.

Elizabeth Warren
Elizabeth Warren

I was a Republican because I thought that those were the people who best supported markets. I think that is not true anymore. I was a Republican at a time when I felt like there was a problem that the markets were under a lot more strain. It worried me whether or not the government played too activist a role.

Elizabeth Warren
Elizabeth Warren

We cannot run a democracy without a strong middle class.

Elizabeth Warren
Elizabeth Warren

There's been such a sense that there's one set of rules for trillion-dollar financial institutions and a different set for all the rest of us. It's so pervasive that it's not even hidden.

Elizabeth Warren
Elizabeth Warren

You have to remember: what are incomes to banks are outgoes to families.

Elizabeth Warren
Elizabeth Warren

I don't want happy-face conclusions. I want the truth.

Elizabeth Warren
Elizabeth Warren

If you don't talk about families, then it's easy to disembody subprime mortgages and asset securitization and unemployment rates without remembering that every one of those numbers is a million families.

Elizabeth Warren
Elizabeth Warren

I graduated law school nine months pregnant and didn't take a job.

Elizabeth Warren
Elizabeth Warren

Writing laws based on an abstract theory, rather than reality, is a dangerous undertaking.

Elizabeth Warren
Elizabeth Warren

All I can say is I was a lot more discreet as a candidate than I was in real life. Can I say that? Maybe it's indiscreet to talk about discretion.