David Suzuki
David Suzuki

Outright bans on plastic bags may not be the best solution, but education and incentives to get people to stop using them are necessary.

David Suzuki
David Suzuki

More than a billion people lack adequate access to clean water.

David Suzuki
David Suzuki

Conserving energy and thus saving money, reducing consumption of unnecessary products and packaging and shifting to a clean-energy economy would likely hurt the bottom line of polluting industries, but would undoubtedly have positive effects for most of us.

David Suzuki
David Suzuki

The damage that climate change is causing and that will get worse if we fail to act goes beyond the hundreds of thousands of lives, homes and businesses lost, ecosystems destroyed, species driven to extinction, infrastructure smashed and people inconvenienced.

David Suzuki
David Suzuki

Although it's difficult, if not impossible, to put a dollar value on the numerous services nature provides, leaving them out of economic calculations means they are often ignored.

David Suzuki
David Suzuki

For the sake of our health, our children and grandchildren and even our economic well-being, we must make protecting the planet our top priority.

David Suzuki
David Suzuki

Rapid population growth and technological innovation, combined with our lack of understanding about how the natural systems of which we are a part work, have created a mess.

David Suzuki
David Suzuki

My earliest memory from childhood is of fishing with my father. And I remember vividly we were in a store, and we were buying a pup tent to go on our first camping trip.

David Suzuki
David Suzuki

Beyond reducing individual use, one of our top priorities must be to move from fossil fuels to energy that has fewer detrimental effects on water supplies and fewer environmental impacts overall.

David Suzuki
David Suzuki

The voluntary approach to corporate social responsibility has failed in many cases.

David Suzuki
David Suzuki

We must pay greater attention to keeping our bodies and minds healthy and able to heal. Yet we are making it difficult for our defences to work. We allow things to be sold that should not be called food. Many have no nutritive value and lead to obesity, salt imbalance, and allergies.

David Suzuki
David Suzuki

If we have any hope of finding ways for seven billion people to live well on planet with finite resources, we have to learn to use our resources efficiently. Plastic bags are neither efficient nor environmentally friendly.

David Suzuki
David Suzuki

One of the joys of being a grandparent is getting to see the world again through the eyes of a child.

David Suzuki
David Suzuki

Water is our most precious resource, but we waste it, just as we waste other resources, including oil and gas.

David Suzuki
David Suzuki

Our beliefs, our values shape the way we look out at the world and the way we treat it. If we believe that we were here, placed here by God, that this - all of this creation is for us, it's for us to go and occupy, dominate and exploit, then we will proceed to do that.

David Suzuki
David Suzuki

Some solutions are relatively simple and would provide economic benefits: implementing measures to conserve energy, putting a price on carbon through taxes and cap-and-trade and shifting from fossil fuels to clean and renewable energy sources.

David Suzuki
David Suzuki

Planting native species in our gardens and communities is increasingly important, because indigenous insects, birds and wildlife rely on them. Over thousands, and sometimes millions, of years they have co-evolved to live in local climate and soil conditions.

David Suzuki
David Suzuki

Too often, governments are quick to use excessive force and even pervert the course of justice to keep oil and gas flowing, forests logged, wild rivers dammed and minerals extracted. As the Global Witness study reveals, citizens are often killed, too - especially if they're poor and indigenous.

David Suzuki
David Suzuki

The whole sector of public dialogue has been totally contaminated, deliberately, by the corporate sector. The whole purpose is to sow confusion and doubt, and it's worked.

David Suzuki
David Suzuki

Many countries - as well as cities, states and provinces - are taking global warming seriously and are working to reduce emissions and shift to cleaner energy sources.