Dar Williams
Dar Williams

I try to be careful not to do single concerts where I fly out, do my show, turn around and go home.

Dar Williams
Dar Williams

Arizona is really cool but I couldn't stay there for too long.

Dar Williams
Dar Williams

But if you're looking to be spooked by really tall trees then you've got to go to Washington State.

Dar Williams
Dar Williams

The very best thing you can do is to try to write a song that has some sort of impact.

Dar Williams
Dar Williams

I think music is another language.

Dar Williams
Dar Williams

I'm becoming a professional nomad and enjoying that whole part of my life.

Dar Williams
Dar Williams

If a war has to happen, a war has to happen.

Dar Williams
Dar Williams

The very best thing for music would be to live next door to a person who listens to loud music so you could mishear music everyday and mutate it to your own means.

Dar Williams
Dar Williams

A song versus an album is not like a scene versus a play.

Dar Williams
Dar Williams

The first concert I saw was Cheryl Wheeler.