Colm McCarthy
Colm McCarthy

I've seen a lot of zombie films as a teenager, and I think teens in general, or teen boys, watch a lot of horror. There's a lot of morbidity that goes on in that age.

Colm McCarthy
Colm McCarthy

For me, my mythology growing up was 'Raiders Of The Lost Ark' and 'Star Wars' and 'E.T.' and 'Ghostbusters.' That's what I grew up on, and there aren't many people who can write that kind of scale of story, stories that are that big.

Colm McCarthy
Colm McCarthy

The best thing as a director is being able to be part of the thing that's so cool about a TV show, like running a character arc over six episodes or multiple series.

Colm McCarthy
Colm McCarthy

There's a funny thing that, in film now, everybody thinks that the director does everything, and in TV, everybody thinks that the writer does everything, and I'm quite comfortable with that as a director. I don't mind that.

Colm McCarthy
Colm McCarthy

As a director, you want to work with great writers.

Colm McCarthy
Colm McCarthy

The vision people have of a director is completely flawed - someone with a crystalline vision of everything they're going to do. How boring would that be? It's a creative and collaborative process.

Colm McCarthy
Colm McCarthy

Science fiction is boring when someone starts explaining the science to me.