Clemantine Wamariya
Clemantine Wamariya

It's taken a lot of years for me to learn how to share my story.

Clemantine Wamariya
Clemantine Wamariya

My copy of 'Night' is dog-eared. The pages are filled with plastic colored 'flags' that are blue, green, purple, and yellow. Vocabulary is in the margins; phrases and sentences are underlined, some with pencil, and some with pen. Many words are circled.

Clemantine Wamariya
Clemantine Wamariya

Elie Wiesel and his book 'Night' have changed my life, shifting the way I see and treat people and inspiring me to fight injustices any way I am able.

Clemantine Wamariya
Clemantine Wamariya

Always strive to be a better you for you and for other.

Clemantine Wamariya
Clemantine Wamariya

Set goals but be flexible.

Clemantine Wamariya
Clemantine Wamariya

Make your education personal. When it matters to you, you will show up.

Clemantine Wamariya
Clemantine Wamariya

The tradition of Umuganda is a beautiful and inspiring one. It connects people to their surrounds and creates a responsible community.

Clemantine Wamariya
Clemantine Wamariya

Growing up in Kigali, the capital city of Rwanda, I had a wonderful life, one that I have not experienced anywhere since, even after living in nine countries.

Clemantine Wamariya
Clemantine Wamariya

My formal speaking career began before a group of 10 third-graders. We drew pictures of my home in Rwanda. I told them about my mother's huge garden and our mango tree. The lessons I taught were simple. Play nicely. Take care of plants. Take care of people.

Clemantine Wamariya
Clemantine Wamariya

After my final semester at Yale in December of 2013, I made a scary choice. Instead of looking for work - feeling over-read and underweight - that for a few months I would go wherever the wind carried me. I would become a student of the world, and I would eat.

Clemantine Wamariya
Clemantine Wamariya

The benefits of Umuganda are not merely economic. The day is intended to build community involvement and strengthen cohesion between persons of different background and levels. One such a benefit is that people can access authorities to articulate their needs and voice opinions on various issues.

Clemantine Wamariya
Clemantine Wamariya

Children tell the truth.

Clemantine Wamariya
Clemantine Wamariya

If you want to learn about the history of a people, eat their food and drink their beverages.

Clemantine Wamariya
Clemantine Wamariya

It is so important to share experiences with one another. Humans are so often in their own heads and not looking to others. But we have to realize that we are always invited to be a part of someone else's story - we are together in this.

Clemantine Wamariya
Clemantine Wamariya

I'm not a victim - I'm a survivor of hunger, of hate, of different injustices that humans are facing today.

Clemantine Wamariya
Clemantine Wamariya

It has taken me so many years to finally be in my bed and fall asleep for six hours.

Clemantine Wamariya
Clemantine Wamariya

I hate light... I feel like at night, it's safer. If anything happens, there's a way to hide at night. Another thing I hate about light is it reminds me about being in a refugee camp and being outside.

Clemantine Wamariya
Clemantine Wamariya

People say you can't change the world. But you can change people.

Clemantine Wamariya
Clemantine Wamariya

My day-to-day varies. I do some public speaking. I talk to school groups.

Clemantine Wamariya
Clemantine Wamariya

Every single person on the planet has equal humanity.