Chuck Feeney
Chuck Feeney

It is logical for a U.S. person to give their money away while they are alive, as the government will take it from you when you die in taxes.

Chuck Feeney
Chuck Feeney

A lot of wealthy people, they don't realize they have the alternatives of spending the money for good.

Chuck Feeney
Chuck Feeney

There are restaurants you can go in and pay $100 a person for a meal. I get as much satisfaction out of paying $25.

Chuck Feeney
Chuck Feeney

People who have money have an obligation. I wouldn't say I'm entitled to tell them what to do with it but to use it wisely.

Chuck Feeney
Chuck Feeney

I had one idea that never changed in my mind - that you should use your wealth to help people.

Chuck Feeney
Chuck Feeney

Most large companies structure their affairs so that they minimize their tax payments. As long as you do it within the law, it's OK.

Chuck Feeney
Chuck Feeney

When you are 81 years old, you don't really need a lot of the trappings of wealth.