Chuck Berry
Chuck Berry

I wanted to be a comedian. And I did that so much in high school, I couldn't get a girlfriend.

Chuck Berry
Chuck Berry

I used to work at Kroger's. When the store opened, you were there. When I worked in an automobile plant, you punched in. So it showed if you were a minute late. If you have a paid job, you show up.

Chuck Berry
Chuck Berry

Rock 'n' roll accepted me and paid me, even though I loved the big bands... I went that way because I wanted a home of my own. I had a family. I had to raise them. Let's don't leave out the economics. No way.

Chuck Berry
Chuck Berry

My music is simple stuff. Anybody can sit down, look at a set of symbols and produce sounds the music represents.

Chuck Berry
Chuck Berry

Music is science. Everything is science. Because science is truth.

Chuck Berry
Chuck Berry

I just feel I got my inspiration, education and all from others that came before me. And I added my... I don't even know if I added anything. I played what they played, and it sounded different, I guess.

Chuck Berry
Chuck Berry

It amazes me when I hear people say, 'I want to go out and find out who I am.' I always knew who I was. I was going to be famous if it killed me.

Chuck Berry
Chuck Berry

Everything I wrote about wasn't about me, but about the people listening.

Chuck Berry
Chuck Berry

In the Fifties, there were certain places we couldn't ride on the bus, and now there is a possibility of a black man being in the White House. You have to feel good about it.

Chuck Berry
Chuck Berry

I'm thankful for performing as long as I am allowed.

Chuck Berry
Chuck Berry

If you're going to be mad, at least let the people know what you're mad about.

Chuck Berry
Chuck Berry

The Rolling Stones... The Rolling Stones have a reflection to my music; I wouldn't deny it. I think that's honest.

Chuck Berry
Chuck Berry

I directed my music to the teen-agers. I was 30 years old when I did 'Maybellene.' My school days had long been over when I did 'School Day,' but I was thinking of them.

Chuck Berry
Chuck Berry

What the heck is a king? I'm a cog in the wheel.

Chuck Berry
Chuck Berry

It's not me to toot my horn. The minute you toot your horn, it seems like society will try and disconnect your battery. And if you do not toot your horn, they'll try their darnedest to give you a horn to toot, or say that you should have a horn.

Chuck Berry
Chuck Berry

I don't want the bottom, so I have to sacrifice the top.

Chuck Berry
Chuck Berry

People said I was king, but I was never king, and I say I'm the prime minister.

Chuck Berry
Chuck Berry

I love poetry. I love rhyming. Do you know, there are poets who don't rhyme? Shakespeare did not rhyme most of the time, and that's why I do not like him.

Chuck Berry
Chuck Berry

Remember that my view, the only true view I can see with, is through the black eyes that I have.

Chuck Berry
Chuck Berry

People don't want to see 17 pieces in neckties. They wanna see some jeans, some gettin' down, and some wigglin'.