Celine Dion
Celine Dion

I think that life has a secret, and children they hold that secret. Maybe it's not given to everybody to discover this thing.

Celine Dion
Celine Dion

My feet are definitely more grounded than before. And I know that I'm not holding onto a dream. I'm holding onto my life.

Celine Dion
Celine Dion

I love beautiful things. I'm not into art so much, like paintings.

Celine Dion
Celine Dion

It's really all about family, love and the children for me. I work at that every day.

Celine Dion
Celine Dion

When I hear something that comes from me that makes me fall down off my chair, it's not often.

Celine Dion
Celine Dion

I often buy myself presents. Sometimes I will spend $100,000 in one day in a posh boutique.

Celine Dion
Celine Dion

I was not a good-lookin' girl. I was extremely skinny. I wasn't pretty. I wasn't cool.

Celine Dion
Celine Dion

There's been nothing but discipline, discipline, discipline all my life.

Celine Dion
Celine Dion

My kids give me the balance to live right.

Celine Dion
Celine Dion

There's no such thing is aging, but maturing and knowledge. It's beautiful, I call that beauty.

Celine Dion
Celine Dion

The hardest thing to find in life is balance - especially the more success you have, the more you look to the other side of the gate. What do I need to stay grounded, in touch, in love, connected, emotionally balanced? Look within yourself.

Celine Dion
Celine Dion

I have become a housewife and there is no better job.

Celine Dion
Celine Dion

I will perform My Heart Will Go On for the rest of my life and it will always remain a very emotional experience for me.

Celine Dion
Celine Dion

The hardest thing to find in life is balance - especially, the more success you have, the more you look to the other side of the gate.

Celine Dion
Celine Dion

Don't be so familiar and so much into the details. Keep people dreaming. Close the window, and make them wonder.

Celine Dion
Celine Dion

When you are surrounded by children, the child in you comes back.

Celine Dion
Celine Dion

I don't know if the camera likes me, but I do like the camera.

Celine Dion
Celine Dion

I've never been cool - and I don't care.