Bill Maris
Bill Maris

In genomics, there's a massive amount of information in which you can look for patterns and develop insights.

Bill Maris
Bill Maris

To create exponential growth in health care, we need to put tremendous resources and focus behind the best human minds working in this field.

Bill Maris
Bill Maris

As life expectancy extends beyond 80 years in some parts of the world, more people are struggling with brain diseases. For older people, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, and other conditions become a major impediment to quality of life.

Bill Maris
Bill Maris

As computer intelligence gets better, what will be possible when we interface our brains with computers? It might sound scary, but early evidence suggests otherwise: interfacing brains with machines can be helpful in treating traumatic brain injury, repairing spinal cord damage, and countless other applications.

Bill Maris
Bill Maris

Back in the late 1990s, venture capitalists got very excited about the Internet. A whole lot of money was poured into some companies that failed rather spectacularly, and a lot of people lost a lot of money.

Bill Maris
Bill Maris

During the 2000 bubble, many companies rushed to go public before they had any revenue.

Bill Maris
Bill Maris

We are looking for highly technical, enthusiastic and capable entrepreneurs who have a healthy disregard for the impossible, and that's not always easy to find.

Bill Maris
Bill Maris

If I'm an entrepreneur, and I have a term sheet from Sequoia and Kleiner, that's the safe choice. Google Ventures is the brave choice.

Bill Maris
Bill Maris

Not many venture firms have people whose job is to read academic research - on startups, ventures, and entrepreneurs - and gather knowledge from that.

Bill Maris
Bill Maris

I'm not bothered when other VCs start hiring great designers or start recruiting. That's the direction I'd like it to go.

Bill Maris
Bill Maris

Government is really successful when it's willing to make big, bold objectives, like, 'We're going to get to the moon.' But without leaders with big ideas, we get stuck.

Bill Maris
Bill Maris

The reality is the technology exists now to extend life and have people live healthier, happier lives. Not to be kind of immortal - that's not what I'm talking about.

Bill Maris
Bill Maris

We're looking for people who are working on things that seem out of reach, uncomfortably difficult.