Barry Barish
Barry Barish

The fact that people can predict gravity wave sources that are within shouting distance makes me feel incredibly confident. Compared to monopoles, these sources are not just optimistic thinking.

Barry Barish
Barry Barish

I live on the Santa Monica Beach and bike up and down almost every day. I like exercise, and I like literature a lot and plays and things like that.

Barry Barish
Barry Barish

A lot of missions for NASA or experiments on accelerators happen through a whole process of scientific retreats, long-range planning, forming collaborations to do studies - all this kind of stuff. It's very democratic.

Barry Barish
Barry Barish

Einstein had two new predictions from general relativity. One was that light would bend. That was tested in 1919, and basically, he was proven right. The second prediction was gravitational waves, which took us 100 years to prove. The theory itself, which is thought by most to be rather obscure, you use every day, probably.

Barry Barish
Barry Barish

The 4th Concept is welcomed and encouraged. In the end, it's my hope and belief that the best ideas are what will be used in these detectors.

Barry Barish
Barry Barish

I think the scientific goals and the technical challenges were the two things that equally motivated me.

Barry Barish
Barry Barish

The technical challenges were technical challenges that were not unbeatable; it was just that we had to learn how to do things and how to build a sensitive enough device. That took us 20 years after we built the first version of the LIGO detector.

Barry Barish
Barry Barish

The size of the effect that we measured from the first event, the merging of two black holes, the actual size of the signal was about one thousandth the size of a proton, what it did to our apparatus.

Barry Barish
Barry Barish

Anything that makes us take more seriously scientists - or economists or chemists or physicists or biologists - I think is helpful in times when things get distorted because of people not paying attention to all the facts.

Barry Barish
Barry Barish

It's crazy that we happen to have a country where it depends on what political party you are in whether you believe in climate change or not.

Barry Barish
Barry Barish

I can't imagine that, now that we have another way to look at the universe, that there isn't going to be some enormous surprises. Things that have nothing to do with what we already know.

Barry Barish
Barry Barish

The detection of gravitational waves is truly a triumph of modern large-scale experimental physics.

Barry Barish
Barry Barish

When the signal reached LIGO from a collision of two stellar black holes that occurred 1.3 billion years ago, the 1,000-scientist-strong LIGO Scientific Collaboration was able to both identify the candidate event within minutes and perform the detailed analysis that convincingly demonstrated that gravitational waves exist.

Barry Barish
Barry Barish

After my mother died, I learned that she'd had a scholarship to the University of Nebraska, but - in kind of a tradition that females don't do things like that - her father prevented her from going. She always said that she wasn't allowed to go to college, but until she died, I never knew that she'd had this scholarship.

Barry Barish
Barry Barish

I have somewhat ambivalent feelings about the recognition of individuals when so much of this was a team effort.

Barry Barish
Barry Barish

I think there's a bit of truth that LIGO wouldn't be here if I didn't do it, so I don't think I'm undeserving.

Barry Barish
Barry Barish

There's some aura about a Nobel Prize, there's a prestige, that gives me a responsibility that I didn't have before, that goes beyond my own work, as a spokesman for science.

Barry Barish
Barry Barish

It's hard to do large, expensive projects without some sort of hierarchical structure where somebody can tell you - maybe softly, but at least tell you - what to do, or you have some supervision over you. Physicists like to be completely independent of each other. So that's a constant struggle. And it's a place that sometimes we get in trouble.

Barry Barish
Barry Barish

Scientists, especially physicists, we're presumptuous and think we can do everything better than everybody else. And one thing that I realized early is, I had some talent managing and organizing things - you know, some people are better organizers than others - but why should I reinvent the wheel?

Barry Barish
Barry Barish

I actually spent a lot of time reading about how professional managers work. And how people build bridges.