Ava Max
Ava Max

I definitely don't like red carpets. I go on the red carpet because I have to but I'm not a big fan. That's not my thing. I'd rather be in the studio making music and performing.

Ava Max
Ava Max

I'm always calling my family and I'm like, 'I can't wait to pay you guys back.' They have been my true supporters since I was eight years old.

Ava Max
Ava Max

My family is very musical.

Ava Max
Ava Max

My parents worked super hard when they came to America. They had three jobs each. I didn't really see them that much.

Ava Max
Ava Max

My family had this dream where we would meet producers and songwriters, and it was not what we thought it would be.

Ava Max
Ava Max

I would sing 'Visions of Love' over and over for a year straight.

Ava Max
Ava Max

Drinking and partying never appealed to me in lyrics - they don't have a lot of meaning behind them.

Ava Max
Ava Max

My favorite part about writing a song is really when it's released, and I can see that it relates to so many people.

Ava Max
Ava Max

We need more pop songs and more empowering songs.

Ava Max
Ava Max

I don't have one song about partying.

Ava Max
Ava Max

You don't know who you are when you're 14.

Ava Max
Ava Max

I'm someone who speaks my mind, so it was important to me that my publisher value originality and creative expression.

Ava Max
Ava Max

I want women to know all around the world that they have the power!

Ava Max
Ava Max

I got really noticed by record labels and that's how I got signed.

Ava Max
Ava Max

My grandma used to sing. I feel like it's in our blood!

Ava Max
Ava Max

It was very tough to get people to believe in my project. Everyone had their own ideas, and they wanted to mold me into something I wasn't.

Ava Max
Ava Max

I feel like pop and R&B are just my core.

Ava Max
Ava Max

I could probably have an idea one day and then go into the studio and really wanna write about just that idea that I have in mind. Or it can vary with just a simple beat and I just do a bunch of melodies on the track that inspire me.

Ava Max
Ava Max

Shooting the 'Torn' music video was a dream come true.

Ava Max
Ava Max

Growing up, my dad took me to the opera.