ASAP Rocky
ASAP Rocky

The thing with me is if I feel disrespected I won't hesitate to fight. But it takes a lot to make me feel disrespected.

ASAP Rocky
ASAP Rocky

If a chick wants to know who makes my shoes, she's got to take them off my feet and look inside.

ASAP Rocky
ASAP Rocky

I represent the kids who come from nothing but who understand it all and love it all. That's what I represent - those are the cool kids, you know, the kids of tomorrow, because who would've known that I'd be who I am today? We are the kids of tomorrow.

ASAP Rocky
ASAP Rocky

I have a Rolex, but no diamonds. Rappers wear diamonds to compensate for a lack of fashion sense. I don't even have pierced ears - I'm not into that; it's too much.

ASAP Rocky
ASAP Rocky

I'm not glorifying it at all, I'm just basically telling you that sometimes I have suicidal thoughts. And maybe I should seek help, or maybe it's not that deep.

ASAP Rocky
ASAP Rocky

I'm not a gay rights activist.

ASAP Rocky
ASAP Rocky

For me, growing up in Harlem and then migrating down to SoHo and the Lower East Side and chillin' down there and making that my stomping ground... That was a big thing, because I'm from Harlem, and downtown is more artsy and also more open-minded. So I got the best of both worlds.

ASAP Rocky
ASAP Rocky

I remember one time I went to Craigslist to find something; that's how bad I wanted it. It was a pair of Raf Simons - this was like 2010. But Raf said he was going to make them for me.

ASAP Rocky
ASAP Rocky

There was a time when someone would get on a plane and request to move their seat just because the person sitting next to them was of a different ethnicity or religion or nationality. But I don't think my generation wants that. That's how it used to be.

ASAP Rocky
ASAP Rocky

I'm not the best at choosing what's good and what's bad. I wouldn't even know what's a good pop song and what's a bad one. With that said, I wanted to say what's true to me. Some people might say that the Skrillex record was pop, but that was just about the chemistry between me and my boy.

ASAP Rocky
ASAP Rocky

It would be disrespectful to take my stardom and bully my way into the fashion industry.

ASAP Rocky
ASAP Rocky

But for real, for me, I feel like with the red lipstick thing it all depends on the pair of complexion. I'm just being for real. You have to be fair skinned to get away with that.

ASAP Rocky
ASAP Rocky

I love 'Harry Potter' and JK Rowling - don't laugh at me!

ASAP Rocky
ASAP Rocky

I like women. I love women.

ASAP Rocky
ASAP Rocky

I wanted to appeal to people who've never really listened to hip-hop or really given it a chance before. I've also tried to incorporate all my favorite lifestyle things in the music. Of course, 'Fashion Killa' is one of peoples' favorites because it just expresses how much I like fashion.

ASAP Rocky
ASAP Rocky

I wanted to model when I was younger.

ASAP Rocky
ASAP Rocky

At the age of eight I started getting into fashion, brands such as Tommy Hilfiger, Nautica and Ralph Lauren. But in 2005 I started wearing John Richmond jeans.

ASAP Rocky
ASAP Rocky

I used to go to Saks, I would go to Bergdorf, I would go to Barneys, I would go to thrift stores in SoHo.

ASAP Rocky
ASAP Rocky

I'm not saying that hip-hop needs gay rappers or anything, but they need to stop being so close-minded because that will just cause the genre to fail. Look at pop. Pop doesn't discriminate against people. Look at Lady Gaga, y'know what I mean?

ASAP Rocky
ASAP Rocky

Purple lipstick? Naw, that looks stupid on all girls!