Ari Graynor
Ari Graynor

You look at Richard Pryor and Robert Klein and George Carlin and Richard Lewis - those guys were so smart, they were the thinking-man stand-ups.

Ari Graynor
Ari Graynor

It took me a solid four or five years to feel really comfortable in front of the camera.

Ari Graynor
Ari Graynor

I had been doing theater since I was a kid, so the stage really felt like home to me. It felt like the place where I trust myself the most in the world and felt the most confident.

Ari Graynor
Ari Graynor

When you're having a good time working on something, and you all like each other, it shows in ways that you don't even realize.

Ari Graynor
Ari Graynor

For years, I said I didn't want to do television. It was just a hard 'no.' I didn't want to read anything. It didn't matter what it was - it was just 'no.'

Ari Graynor
Ari Graynor

I started acting because it was essentially the way I needed to survive and equalize my inner life.

Ari Graynor
Ari Graynor

No one's up in arms about these PG-13 movies where it's literally about the end of the world.

Ari Graynor
Ari Graynor

I'm an only child, and in college, I was given a single, and then I lived with people for, like, two years but were my best friends, and we had a really fun time. And then I lived alone or with a boyfriend. I've never really had a bad roommate situation.

Ari Graynor
Ari Graynor

Usually, when I'm at a festival with a movie that I'm in, I'm in and out in 24 hours.

Ari Graynor
Ari Graynor

I've done a bunch of Broadway, so I'm a theater nerd when I come to New York.

Ari Graynor
Ari Graynor

I feel like I'm sort of afraid to study too much because I feel like I work as I go, but I want to study the classics and also the technical aspects of things. I'm always looking to understand more.

Ari Graynor
Ari Graynor

I was the girl who got out of my athletic requirement by managing the boys' sports teams. Which is pretty ingenious, because when I was a sophomore, I got a prom date out of it. That was really strong planning on my part.

Ari Graynor
Ari Graynor

I've had curly hair for years, and I never wore it curly. I didn't know what to do with it.

Ari Graynor
Ari Graynor

In high school, everyone told me I had a great personality and sense of humor, but I wanted to be the girl who boys liked because she was pretty on top of being funny. I was boy crazy.

Ari Graynor
Ari Graynor

I prefer situational or character-based humor to gross-out gags and comedic set pieces.

Ari Graynor
Ari Graynor

While I appreciate horror movies, I'd love the opportunity to do something transformative, especially because people see me as contemporary. There's a lot to explore in my career that could take me back to another time. A period piece would be an incredible game of dress-up, too.

Ari Graynor
Ari Graynor

I started acting when I was seven, so I've read my share.

Ari Graynor
Ari Graynor

A lot of entertainment, and especially in a half-hour format, can be all jokes, all the time. And some of those jokes can be really, really funny, but what I respond to, as a viewers, is identification or caring about the characters.

Ari Graynor
Ari Graynor

I was the kind of kid that always loved babies. I was, you know, four years old, and I would have my baby doll that I would bring with me everywhere and fake breastfeed on the beach and diaper.

Ari Graynor
Ari Graynor

I think most people have experienced that at some point: being on one end or the other of a super-unbalanced relationship.