Angela Rayner
Angela Rayner

You never, ever give up the chance to change things, ever, no matter how hard it is. If you're elected, and have got the opportunity to make a difference, you take it.

Angela Rayner
Angela Rayner

Half of those people who experience mental health difficulties do so before the age of 14. The problems begin early - so early interventions are essential.

Angela Rayner
Angela Rayner

To give every child a fair chance to succeed, we need to give them the best possible start in life. For far too many that isn't happening.

Angela Rayner
Angela Rayner

In a parliamentary democracy, it is the job of parliament to decide the law, not the government.

Angela Rayner
Angela Rayner

The privileged have become more wealthy, while people from disadvantaged backgrounds have had their opportunities to get on and move up closed off. That's the Tory way.

Angela Rayner
Angela Rayner

We need radical, transformative solutions to address the inequality that is blighting millions of people's lives.

Angela Rayner
Angela Rayner

Instead of helping a lucky few to escape disadvantage, a Labour government will aim to abolish poverty completely and create a more equal society, raising the living standards and well-being of all.

Angela Rayner
Angela Rayner

Students from disadvantaged backgrounds will have the most debt, and then, being less likely than their affluent peers to go straight into high paying jobs, they will spend most of their working lives trying but failing to pay off that debt.

Angela Rayner
Angela Rayner

If our tax system, as a whole, is progressive, then those with the broadest shoulders will make the greatest contribution, as it should be.

Angela Rayner
Angela Rayner

Surely in a country that works for everyone ensuring that everyone has access to an excellent education should be the first priority of any government?

Angela Rayner
Angela Rayner

Mental health is a case study in Tory failure.

Angela Rayner
Angela Rayner

We need a sustainable system of student finance that promotes opportunity, encourages aspiration, increases social mobility and is governed by fairness. But all the Tories can offer is unsustainable, mounting debt, punishing students for wanting an education. And discouraging thousands of young people from climbing the ladder to a better life.

Angela Rayner
Angela Rayner

The graduate earnings premium, used by the Tories to justify many of their regressive higher education policies, is fast becoming a myth.

Angela Rayner
Angela Rayner

Maintenance grants, a proud Labour achievement which made it easier for children from lower and middle income families to go to university, have been abolished in one fell swoop. To be replaced with loans.

Angela Rayner
Angela Rayner

People understand that any major reform to pensions is likely to create losers as well as winners.

Angela Rayner
Angela Rayner

The Tories should treat working families with more respect.

Angela Rayner
Angela Rayner

If people are going to be made worse off, the government should at least let them know. I don't think that's asking too much.

Angela Rayner
Angela Rayner

Some of the Tories say, 'She left school at 16, she doesn't have a university degree, what does she know about education?' I say, I may not have a degree - but I have a Masters in real life.

Angela Rayner
Angela Rayner

Sometimes you have to invest in people to get the best out of them. To me, that is socialism. That is why I'm a Labour member rather than a Conservative.

Angela Rayner
Angela Rayner

My job is making sure that every child gets a good school place. If there is a particular disadvantage to a community, you invest more. Because that's the Labour way.