Anderson East
Anderson East

Who doesn't love Tupac? Those records have such swagger to them. The groove is just incredible.

Anderson East
Anderson East

I'm a huge closet Mariah Carey fan - she's got one of the best voices probably ever.

Anderson East
Anderson East

I feel like I've won the musical lottery.

Anderson East
Anderson East

If I had to go back to school for anything, I'd go for astronomy.

Anderson East
Anderson East

As a singer, you kind of are able to feel notes.

Anderson East
Anderson East

As a solo artist, it's so easy to be lumped into a singer / songwriter genre and writing sleepy, sad songs that are very emotionally rich that mean a lot to you, and people just get kind of tired.

Anderson East
Anderson East

I love seeing people smiling, dancing. There's enough sadness in the world, man.

Anderson East
Anderson East

I'm a really big fan of facial hair.

Anderson East
Anderson East

There is a healthy amount of self-doubt and criticism with most people that make music. You find your areas that are your best. Onstage, I am good. But talking to someone in the grocery store? Forget about it.

Anderson East
Anderson East

I don't think I am a soul singer and definitely don't think that I am a country artist by any stretch.

Anderson East
Anderson East

I don't think there is a clear-cut avenue for what I do, and I am OK with that. I am just a lover of music.

Anderson East
Anderson East

I hold religious tendencies, but I'm not devout by any means.