Ana Kasparian
Ana Kasparian

Regardless of how deplorable Trump is, using violence and physical attacks against his supporters is unacceptable and grossly counterproductive.

Ana Kasparian
Ana Kasparian

Yes, the United States deserves criticism for meddling in other elections, but that doesn't mean that we should give foreign nationals the opportunity to meddle in ours.

Ana Kasparian
Ana Kasparian

I'm not going to tone down my rhetoric, and I'm not going to censor myself in sharing what I believe to be the truth. People could either love that or hate that, but I'm not really interested in playing games in order to appeal to a broader audience.

Ana Kasparian
Ana Kasparian

Trolls live in their own pathetic bubble, and it's called Twitter.

Ana Kasparian
Ana Kasparian

If people are anything but enthusiastic about the information or ideas that they're sharing, they're either not that invested in what they're doing - or they're not communicating that investment effectively.

Ana Kasparian
Ana Kasparian

We look at individuals who would vote for Donald Trump as if... we kind of undervalue them. And we underestimated them.

Ana Kasparian
Ana Kasparian

If you value the democratic process, you have to value the protection of political speech.

Ana Kasparian
Ana Kasparian

When I graduated, I was really lucky because I got hired immediately by CBS as a production assistant.

Ana Kasparian
Ana Kasparian

It's a little hard to go out there and spend your money on a home, car, or goods and services if your wages are being garnished to make debt collectors rich.

Ana Kasparian
Ana Kasparian

When the vast majority of strangers you interact with are trolls on social media, it slowly begins to chip away at your love for humanity.

Ana Kasparian
Ana Kasparian

The thing that still somehow surprises me, and I have come to this realization over and over again, is this nonsense that gets peddled regarding, 'Just work really hard, be really smart, do the right thing, and you'll get rewarded.' No, you don't. You don't get rewarded for those things in this society.

Ana Kasparian
Ana Kasparian

I can't pretend I'm some robot that's always neutral. I need to share my opinion - and sometimes aggressively so.

Ana Kasparian
Ana Kasparian

I always wanted to be part of the media. I knew I wanted to work as a journalist.

Ana Kasparian
Ana Kasparian

I always imagined myself doing what Barbara Walters did on '20/20.' That, essentially, is what inspired me to go to journalism school.

Ana Kasparian
Ana Kasparian

I don't care if you're Democrat. I don't care if you're Republican. We need to make sure that, you know, people in other countries don't have any impact on our elections.

Ana Kasparian
Ana Kasparian

When the NRA is funding your campaign and giving you, you know, millions of dollars, are you likely to pass gun legislation or support it? No, and I think that's the reason why we see members of Congress refusing to do anything.

Ana Kasparian
Ana Kasparian

I'm tired of advertisers being the gatekeepers of what is and is not appropriate on news shows.

Ana Kasparian
Ana Kasparian

When it comes to Buttigieg, he doesn't want to reveal what his actual policies are, where his stances are - and for some reason, he is better than all these other candidates in the eyes of mainstream media pundits.

Ana Kasparian
Ana Kasparian

There is this massive misconception that young people have absolutely no interest in the news. Young people definitely do want to be informed, but they want to be informed by people they can relate to.

Ana Kasparian
Ana Kasparian

If you want an audience that genuinely sticks around, you have to listen to what their opinion is.