Aldous Harding
Aldous Harding

My head is full of songs I'm writing now, and things I am thinking now. I'm not very good at drawing on things that have happened, things I think might happen, or things I want to happen. I'm very much in right now.

Aldous Harding
Aldous Harding

I don't know a lot about art and music culture.

Aldous Harding
Aldous Harding

I enjoy doing the thing that I find interesting really well.

Aldous Harding
Aldous Harding

When you're young and starting out, a lot of artists think they know exactly who they are. There are others who come out in someone else's skin. They learn to take it off bit-by-bit and work out the core of what they're trying to say.

Aldous Harding
Aldous Harding

I don't need to hide behind anything because I'm more comfortable with myself.

Aldous Harding
Aldous Harding

It's funny. I change depending on what I'm around, and who I'm around. I've always been like that.

Aldous Harding
Aldous Harding

I'm just focused on getting to the end of each show and feeling like we've done a good job when we walk off stage. And a perfect show isn't necessarily about making the audience feel good. I know I've done my job well if I've made people feel... interesting. I like to leave them a little stunned.

Aldous Harding
Aldous Harding

I made a commitment to myself that I'd stick at this and not let weakness in too quickly, that I'd do the best shows I could and make the best songs I can make.

Aldous Harding
Aldous Harding

I tend to overdo things.

Aldous Harding
Aldous Harding

It's been a very strong force for me over the years. I don't know exactly why. For some people, fear can be a very useful thing. They can use it to recognise there's something missing, and heal themselves. But fear can also destroy some people. I think I'm the first type of person. I'm pretty anxious, always thinking 'what if?' about the bad stuff.

Aldous Harding
Aldous Harding

With some things, it's not that I like doing them; it's more that I like having done them. I like to look back and see that I've made a nice thing.

Aldous Harding
Aldous Harding

If people say to me, 'So, what were you doing in Dubai in that song?' or they spend ages comparing me to some other singer, I just shut down, I guess.

Aldous Harding
Aldous Harding

If someone says to me that 'Horizon' is an anti-feminist anthem, I have to tell them, 'No, that's not right.' But I'm not interested in unpicking my music for people. Everybody has different reference points.

Aldous Harding
Aldous Harding

I think people are particularly interested to see who the real me is, but... different stories call for different approaches and you change based on the experience you want that person to have.

Aldous Harding
Aldous Harding

I'm not afraid to look stupid and I'm not afraid to look like I'm trying too hard.

Aldous Harding
Aldous Harding

I find that comforting and an equally purposeful way to think, that there's lots of ways to flex both your strengths and your weaknesses.

Aldous Harding
Aldous Harding

I think there's strength in seeing somebody who's not necessarily winning at life... to make something that makes people feel like they've won when they hear it.

Aldous Harding
Aldous Harding

One of my least favourite gigs was a festival. There weren't many people there and they were all talking.

Aldous Harding
Aldous Harding

You know, we've had some pretty rough festival stages.

Aldous Harding
Aldous Harding

We've played quite a few festivals now. We can take care of it, no matter where we are.